Chapter 1 (Pt 1)

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Olivia, Rafael, and Landon were currently on their way to a church. Their foster parents, Hector and Maria, were making both Rafael and Olivia confess their sins due to recent events. That in the eyes of the two older adults, seemed unholy.

"Guys I don't like this, I think we should just turn around." Olivia suggested to the two older boys as the neared closer to the church. Landon looked in his sisters direction and nodded at her thinking the same exact thing.

"Yeah, Rafael seriously it's not right. You and Olivia aren't catholic you shouldn't have to confess your sins." Landon said, trying to reason with his friend.

"I tossed a lawn mower through the patio door bruh." Rafael looked at Olivia. "Liv you shattered the windows in the kitchen without even being in the room." Olivia nodded at the boy remembering that odd incident. It was like she broke them telepathically somehow. "Listen if apologizing to god gets Hector and Maria off our backs so be it."

"Fine." Olivia huffed while rolling her eyes. Landon still didn't think they should go through with this but followed the two into the church.

As the three teenagers walked through the church doors they noticed their foster parents and a priest standing in front of the alter awaiting their arrival. Olivia and Rafael said their greetings and kneeled down as the priest had asked them to pray with him.

"Landon you can leave now. It's ok we can take it from here." Olivia felt a tinge of panic run through her when she heard Hector ask Landon to leave.

"I'm good Hector." Landon said back shaking his head in disagreement. Maria then walked closer to Landon.

"Landon this conversation between your sister and foster brother is with god. Ok." Maria said, placing her hands on the curly haired boys shoulders.

"Hey I got it bro, just wait outside." Raf said, Landon raised his eyebrow and looked at Olivia for confirmation.

"I'll be fine Landon, you can go." With that Landon made his way outside the church. He sat on the stairs and put in his headphones to pass time.

Inside the church Olivia felt her anxiety run high. She didn't like this one bit, it felt like some kind of trick or something. Her suspicions grew even more once the priest began chanting some type of ritual while putting water onto the two teens foreheads.

"What's going on." Olivia asked, her voice cracking from the nerves flowing through her. Olivia watched as Hector and Maria grabbed onto Rafael shoulders when he tried to stand up.

"What are you doing, get off of me!" Rafael shouted to the adults. He soon dropped to the ground screaming in agonizing pain. Olivia watched in horror as the boys head shot up, his eyes glowing a bright yellow.

"Hey! Stop you're hurting him!" Olivia screamed at the priest. When she stepped toward him Hector grabbed hold of her and held her back. "Get off of me! Stop it, let me go!" Olivia flailed in the older mans arms, his grip only getting stronger.

Olivia watched as the church doors flew open and two people entered followed by Landon. Her attention was brought back to Hector however when he squeezed her body harder than before. Causing pain to shoot throughout her back.

"I said get off of me!" Olivia growled out. Except this time when she yelled it Hector had been flown backwards harshly. Olivia dropped to the ground as Landon and the two strangers looked at her in surprise.

Olivia felt as two strong hands grabbed her arms and helped her up. She saw that it was an older man, he gave her a quick smile before guiding her toward her brother. Landon was quick to wrap his arms around his sister, happy to see the girl was safe. The two siblings watched as Rafael writhed in pain. The cracking of his bones sent a shiver down Olivia's spine.

The two strangers who Olivia hadn't been acquainted with yet began to put chains around the darker skinned boys neck. They stepped back away from him and within the second Rafael had transformed into something Olivia had never seen before. He took form of a wolf. His form was much larger than any wolf Olivia could have imagined and the fur that covered his body was dark black. They all watched as the wolf jumped and snarled at the four of them.

"I think I'm going to pass out." Olivia said she felt her body fall but before she could hit the ground two arms wrapped around her torso.

"I got you." Olivia heard one Hope Mikealson say before she completely blacked out.


Sitting in a vehicle was Landon, Olivia, and the two strangers Olivia hadn't come across before. Landon felt his sister stirring awake next to him and directed his attention to her.

Olivia opened her eyes finally and noticed the moving scenery outside. She jolted up right when she realized she was in a car.

"Landon! Where the hell are we?" Olivia said raising her voice as panic shot through her.

"Hey calm down, we're ok. We're going somewhere safe." Landon said as he patted his sisters back trying to soothe her.

"Calm down! are you kidding me. Did you not see what happened in the church?" Olivia said finding it hard to remain calm in a time like this. The panicked teen turned her attention toward the passenger seat where a Hope Mikealson sat as she snickered. "Who the hell are you."

"Her names Hope, and the guy driving his name is Dr. Saltzman their cool. Calm down." Landon said, Olivia gave her brother a pointed look. She hated how he kept telling her to be calm it was agitating.

"You to know each other." Olivia and the man she came to know as Dr. Saltzman said at the same time. Hope looked back at the girl and smiled before looking at Landon.

"He used to serve me milkshakes at Mystic Grill," Hope explained to the two. Olivia watched as the girls lips curled upwards into a smile. Landon's doing the same.

"Peanut butter blast with whipped cream on the bottom." Landon recited her order from memory. "We danced once." Something then sparked in Olivia's head. She remembered her brother coming home and telling her about this girl.

"We tried. And then he moved away." Hope said reminiscing on the memory.

"Listen that story was nice and all, but can someone explain to me what happened back there." Olivia said sassily. Making the older man driving laugh slightly.

"You my dear have just entered the supernatural world." Dr. Saltzman said smiling at the girl through the rear view mirror.

Hello everyone! So this is the first official chapter of this series. I'm super excited to continue this story. I really like Olivia as a character she's definitely one of may favorites that I've written for. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and feel free to let me know what you think so far


I do not own any of the Legacies characters nor the episodes and all that goes along with that ( all credit goes to the writers and creators of the tv series).

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