An Adventure in Walmart

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June 23, 2018

2:00 a.m.

       George sits beside Apollo in the stark white hospital room, machinery beeping on the other side of the bed. Apollo looks terrible, his usually carefree blond hair flattened to his head with dried blood, brown and tangled. His face is even worse. It's... horrifying and saddening beyond description.

       George puts his elbows on the edge of the bed and buries his face in his hands. Apollo's parents went back home quickly to make sure Apollo's little siblings are okay. George had already texted his mom and dad and step parents about what happened. No replies yet, except from his step dad, who said he was sorry and asked him to go by Walmart to get a new toilet cover (because being able to use the bathroom is pretty important right?). His step dad said that it would do him good to get out and walk a bit. George was pretty sure it was just because he didn't want to stop watching his football game to go to Walmart.

       George finally stands up on wobbly legs and bids Apollo a temporary farewell, then sulks down the busy hospital halls and out to the parking lot where his old, used car slumps in the shade of a large oak. He pulls out of the parking lot heads wearily to Walmart.

       George stalks through the long Walmart isles, looking through all the appliances for a toilet cover. He finally finds one that has the right settings and is walking back down the isle, toilet cover tucked under his arm, when Jayden steps around the isle, face pale against his completely black outfit, and not at all handsome anymore. George stops dead in his tracks, throat constricted with fear. When all Jayden's friends had been asked about the situation that lead up to Apollo's fall, all of Jayden's friends had denied that Jayden had even been there. When George had even mentioned Jayden, all Jayden's friends had told the paramedics that George was just delirious and that Jayden was at home. Sure enough, a few minutes later, they found Jayden at home just as his friends had said.

       Jayden stands, rigid and tall, his pale face cold and etched with deep creases. George distinctly notices a long bulge at his waist band, either a gun or knife.

       George begins to shuffle backward. "Jayden, I didn't say anything. I didn't tell them that you were there."

       Jayden approaches slowly, like a starved panther through a forest canopy. Jayden whispers, with fear lowering his tone. "But you know. Damn it you know! And someday, you will tell someone."

       "No, I won't tell anyone, you can trust me. I didn't tell the paramedics and I won't even tell my parents." George's voice is growing shrill.

        Jayden says nothing, but continues to stare at George with that haunted, guilty expression, as if discerning George's intentions. George fumbles with his toilet seat. Then Jayden springs.

       "Help- " George raises the toilet cover above his head just in time to block Jayden's powerful blow. George's second attempt to call for help ends in a gurgle as Jayden pounces again and slams a fist into George's stomach. His toilet cover drops to the ground and George lands on top of it. He rolls out of the way as Jayden's boot lands on the ground with a loud stomp in the place where his head was. George rolls up to his feet but knocks into a shelf, sending soap dishes and towels across the floor and knocking him off balance. Jayden shoves George back down to the floor and slams a knee into his chest. He raises his arm, fist clenched so hard that his knuckles are white. George can't move, can't breathe, and is sure he's going to die. He squeezes his eyes shut and throws his arms over his face. He waits. He opens an eye hesitantly and seesJayden's arm quivering and his face is contorted in guilt and pain, tears bulging at the corners of his eyes.

       "Jayden." George gulps. "You don't have to do this."

       Jayden tenses his arm again, but George's fear has lessened, and he understands why he is doing what he is. George let's go of the knee on his chest and raises his hands in surrender, the back of his hands pressing against the cold floor.

       "You don't want to do this Jayden. You're a good person. You would never want to kill someone."

       Jayden says nothing, but stares at George with cold rage.

       "Apollo is still alive. He's getting better."

       Jayden's eyes bug out and George cringes, sure that he is going to punch him. When nothing happens, he looks back up at Jayden and sees that his fist has lowered. However, he raises it again and whispers, "If you ever tell anyone what happened tonight-"

       "I won't I won't." George sputters. Jayden takes one last look at George then takes the knee off his chest and stands.

       Movement behind Jayden catches George's eye and he sees two Walmart workers, a man and woman. He rushes to his feet.

       "Hey, what are you doing?" The man calls out.

       Jayden spins as George jumps in front of him before he has time to protest. George says in the calmest voice he can manage, "We were, um, yeah, we'll clean it up. Sorry for the mess, we'll pick it all up." George can feel Jayden behind him like a statue. He hopes he's not getting his gun.

       The Walmart workers first glare at them, then at the heap of towels and bathroom accessories on the floor, obviously not excited to clean it up themselves.

       Finally, the woman says, "You better," and both stalk away, eyeing the two boys as they leave.

       "Why'd you do that?" Jayden seethes. George can't believe it.

       "Because you were going to get yourself in big trouble and you could've gone to prison for doing that."

       "But you didn't have to."

       George is at a loss for words. "I'm not like you."

       Jayden stiffens. He steps forward so that he is mere inches away, towering over George, his blue eyes piercing. Jayden says in a hushed tone, "You tell anyone about anything –"

       George interrupts before he can say anything else, "I understand. Okay? You'll do who-knows-what to me."

       Jayden takes one last look at him, then pulls back and sprints silently down the isle. Then he's gone, and George is left with a toilet cover, a heap of towels, and a load of soap dishes strewn around him. Great.

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