[3] Trouble

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2 Weeks Later

I pass the futbol to my left as Louis tries to to steal it, but it makes it to Niall in time. Niall lets out a gigantic laugh and makes a goal pass to Liam. I quickly run to Niall and we high five each other. Crowds of fans and paparazzi gather around us to watch and take photo or videos as we continue to play one heated futbol game. Zayn goes to score but I tackle him and pass the futbol to Niall who scores another goal past a half aware Liam.

"Goal!" Niall yells clapping his hands over his mouth while smirking back at Louis.

"You cheaters!" Louis shouts trying to catch his breath.

"Oh come on Louis! I was right here. How could we have cheated?" Niall mocks with another laugh.

"It's all skill mate." I add on, wiggling my eyebrows towards Louis.

"Okay, okay I get it." Louis scoffs with a smile.

"Room for one more?" A familiar voice asks behind us.

I turn around to see Jake, wearing a black v-neck and dark jeans. His hair is perfectly spiked as he looks at me and Niall. I look over at Niall, and then at Liam, Louis and Zayn. They nod and Jake runs over to us.

"I'm Louis." Louis whispers putting his hand out.

"Jake... Aaron." Jake says, shaking his hand.

"Niall." Niall chirps with a wave.

"Liam, and this is Zayn." Liam says with a quick wave and points at Zayn who shakes Jake's hand.

"So mate," Louis begins, "you must be Lindsay's brother?"

"Yeah, I'm her older brother." Jake says with a smile.

"So if you want, you can be on our team, since Louis here thinks we cheat." Niall says winking at Louis.

"Niall, shut up." Louis scoffs holding his hand over his heart.

"Let's rumble!" Liam and Zayn shout in unison messing Niall's hair up.

"Let's..." I whisper picking up the futbol and throwing it towards Louis.

Louis kicks the soccer ball at Liam, who kicks it towards Zayn. Niall goes to tackle Zayn but Louis gets the ball and scores. Louis screams and passes the ball at Jake who kicks the ball towards me, I then pass it to Niall who quickly passes it to Jake. Jake takes the ball and shoots it into the goal, Niall patts him on the back and I laugh. We play the game for another hour and Louis, Liam, and Zayn win by one point. After Louis is done bragging we order a pizza and head back to my place to play FIFA '14.

"Harry?" Jake mutters, grabbing a coke from the fridge.

"Yeah?" I ask running my fingers in my hair.

"I'm sorry about Lindsay..." He says, opening his soda.

"Jake, it's not your fault. She wants nothing to do with me. I get it, I left her to go to the X-Factor to fulfill my dreams. I ruined everything that we had built as friends." I say, setting my soda down on the black granite counter tops.

"Harry, it's not your fault either. I left her too and that's when everything went bad. I left because I couldn't take our father telling me what to do anymore." He claims as he looks down at his soda.

"So, I guess we're both to blame for making her this way?" I ask, shrugging my shoulders and taking a sip of my soda.

"Has she talked to you at all?" Jake inquires looking up at me.

"No, you?" I ask waiting for his response.

"A little..." He goes to say but Niall comes in.

"Harry?" Niall shouts coming into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I request turning to look at him.

Niall comes in wearing dark grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt with a red New York Yankee snapback. Worry fills his eyes as he looks at Jake and I.

"Niall, what's wrong?" Jake asks walking closer to him.

"Harry...your phone has been going crazy from texts and calls from Gemma. Harry, Jake, Lindsay was arrested tonight." Niall delivers looking at us.

"What? How?" Jake asks looking at him.

"A group of friends, I guess got busted with drugs." Niall says shrugging his shoulders. "Gemma said Lindsay called her and was freaking out about being in trouble. She said she sounded pretty messed up." Niall claims as we walk to the door and towards the elevator.

"We need to go." I say grabbing my phone from Niall and my keys.

"My dad's going to be so pissed..." Jake mummers pushing the elevator button to the lobby.

"Why didn't she call you Jake?" I quiz looking at all the text Gemma sent me.

Harry where are you? Lindsay's been arrested.

Harry answer your phone!

Have you seen or talked to Jake?

"We haven't talked a lot since our dad has been around. He actually made her move in with him, it was that or be cut off. I can't believe she would do this." Jake mutters opening the car door.

"Has she been in trouble a lot?" Niall asks fixing his snapback on his head.

"No, she was always happy and very kind and sweet. Ever since she was..." Jake goes to finish but doesn't the pain in his voice growing.

"No?" Niall asks, shaking his head in disbelief

Silence fills the car as we head straight to the police station. I grip the steering wheel tight as I think about what happend to Lindsay. She was only 16 when it happened. She was so young and innocent she didn't deserve what happened to her. I'm interrupted by my thoughts when Niall breaks the silence.

"I texted Louis, Liam, and Zayn about what happened. Liam's coming while Louis and Zayn told me to keep them updated." Niall reports looking at his phone.

"Thanks." Jake whispers looking out the window.

"For what?" I ask, getting a little curious.

"For taking care of her when I left to get away from my father." He murmurs looking over to me.

"I left too..." I speak driving into the police department parking lot to find a spot.

"But you didn't leave because you wanted to, you left to fullfil you dream Harry. That's all you did. I left to get away from our asshole father." Jake claims getting out of the car and walking into the police station.

"You'll get her back Harry." Niall whispers patting my shoulder and following Jake into the station.

A/N Hey guys sorry it has taken me so long to update this. I've been super busy with life and my other story "The Guardians." But I decided to update and I really hope you enjoy this chapter. This is dedicated to my wonderful friend @Leesy77, go check out her wonderful story "Used." It's fantastic and wonderful and one of my favorite books ever!

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