[9] Breakfast

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2 Weeks Later

I make my way down the bright hallway every step making me regret me coming here. A couple in their mid twenty walks past me a smile plastered onto the couple face as they hold hands and laugh. I take a deep breath before I knock on the black door in front of me. I knock on the door not really thinking about why I'm hear at all. The door opens, he stands their fixing his white button up sleeves. I look at him keeping quiet as I watch him.

"Styles." He states, putting his hands on his hip.

"Greyson." I mutter back flicking my eyes into his apartment.

"What can I help you with?" He ask, pulling out his iPhone.

"I-I" stutter trying to get the words of my tongue.

"Where are my manners. Please come in." He adds inviting me into his apartment.

"Thanks," I whisper, eyeing his place.

A flat screen TV hangs on the grey wall. It's turned onto the news, I laugh to myself he's a news guy I never saw him as one. I flick my eyes to his kitchen, the backsplash is a dark grey along with white cabinets. He walks over to his stainless steel fridge, he pulls out two drinks coke. He toss me the cold glass bottle and I catch it. I open it and give him a nod.

"So Styles what can I help you with?" Greyson ask sitting down on a black and white stool.

"Lindsay," I murmur taking a sip of the drink.

"I figured." He states with a chuckle.

"I just don't want-" I go to say but Greyson cuts me off.

"To break her heart. Trust me Styles that's the last thing I want to do." He begins, "Look Styles I promise you if I hurt her in anyway I'll let you beat the shit out of me."

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Because Styles my mom was treated like that by my father. He would always come home late from work, she knew he was cheating on her but she didn't care she just didn't want to be alone." Greyson opens up looking at me.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I won't brake her heart. At least I will try." He answers playing with his watch.

"Look I have a date with Lindsay's in twenty minutes." He begins, "I don't want to be late. But Styles let's rearrange this little chat for another day on me."

"Okay I would love that." I reply, shaking his hand.

"Styles I do believe we will be great friends. I'll tell Lindsay you said hi." Greyson adds, grabbing a black trench coat.

"Um yes, and please don't she doesn't know I'm here." I tell him giving him a weak smile.

"Okay," Greyson whispers opening the door letting me out.

I give him a brief nod walking down the hall towards the elevator. Greyson follows after me shuffling into the spaces elevator. I push the lobby button before making it to a corner. Greyson looks at his watch as the elevator door opens up. We make our way out of the apartment building. I make my way towards my car getting stopped by Greyson's voice.

"Styles eight o'clock tomorrow morning here breakfast on me." He yells over the loud traffic.

"Okay." I yell back.

He gives me a nod getting into the back seat of a limo. I watch the limo disappear into the traffic. I get in my car and make my way home. I open my door to my apartment getting ready to get sleep for tomorrow. I wake up looking over to my alarm clock it reads 7:30 A.M.

"Shit." I mutter to myself.

I'm going to be late to breakfast at Greyson's. I get dressed quick into a black V-neck and black skinny jeans with my boots. I rush into my bathroom brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. On the way out I grab my black trench coat and look at the time. 7:45 A.M, I sigh at myself and make my way towards my car like the flash. My phone goes off and I look over to see the caller I.D, speak of the devil.

I put it on speaker phone gripping onto the steering wheel as tight as I can. I can hear him talking to somebody else in the background they sound annoyed. I continue to listen to them argue back and forth finally realizing he's fighting with Lindsay. I roll my eyes she's always wants to start stuff.

"Styles, where are you? Your 15 minutes late." He says into his phone.

"I'm coming, I just pulled up." I say, parking my car into an empty parking space.

"Please hurry up." He adds sounding annoyed.

"Okay." I say, hanging up the phone as I make my way towards his apartment.

I reach Greyson's apartment door slowly knocking. He opens the door a scowl on his face as I make my way into his apartment. The apartment is full of light due to all the windows in the room. I spot Lindsay wearing a blue dress, it's practically her new skin. I eye the room it's complete spotless as classical music plays in the background. Greyson points for me to sit at along table that has all the breakfast foods you could practically think of. I take a seat looking at all the delicious food.

"I hope you don't mind a couple of people are going to be here but you've already know them." Greyson says giving me a wink.

Lindsay sit's next to Greyson, her hand goes under the table and I feel sick. There's a light knock on the door interrupting Lindsay. Saved by a knock thank you. Greyson get's up to answer it, Lindsay looks over to me giving me a smirk. Four other people's voices fill the one as they make their way in. I see Jake and their father coming in.

Jake takes a seat next to me giving a smile. I return it, looking at the other to people. There's two girl one is in her mid twenty while the other one is maybe in her early twenty's. The older women has blonde hair and brown eyes. She wears a black dress, while the younger girl wears a black one. The younger girl smiles over to me her green eyes lighting up.

She has brown wavy hair that flows smoothly down her shoulders. I shake both their hands.

"Tatum," The green eyed girl whispers.

"Harry," I answer back.

"Oh you met. Harry this is my sister. And my mom Lily." Greyson states with a nod.

"Nice to meet you Lily." I tell, shaking her hand.

Everybody takes their seats as Greyson and Lindsay looking at each other. Greyson stands up grabbing a hold of Lindsay's hand helping her to her feet.

"Thank you for coming you guys are the closet people in our life and we wanted you guys to be the first to know that Lindsay and I are getting Married." He says loudly looking at everybody.

I feel sick. Everybody stands up and goes to give them hugs as I continue to sit. I finally stand up and shake Greyson's hand not trying to make a scene.

"And," Lindsay begins, "I'm pregnant."

I glance over to Jake he shakes his head turning to look at me. I feel my stomach turn as I think about everything that just hapen. Why does this have to happen to me? I think to myself.

"Let eat." Is all I hear.

To Be Continued


A/N- Please don't hate me! I'm sorry! Dedicated to the wonderful caffeinatedream

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