Chapter 6 - Thinking Out Loud

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Alec rolled out of bed with a huff; he hated having to get up at 6 am to go and open up and every time he had to, he thanked God that he only had to do it once or twice a week.

He zombie walked to the shower, washing away any sleep with the warm water crashing over him and then dressed in his blue jeans, ankle boots and dark blue button up, yawning as he quickly checked himself over in the mirror for long enough to brush his teeth, quickly finger his hair into some sort of style and spray on a little cologne.

He yawned again as he made his way to the door to grab his bag and jacket from the coat hooks and made his way out the door, locking up behind him.

He'd thought it probably wasn't a good idea to get on his bike when he was this tired, so he decided to walk and let the cold New York morning air wake him up.

20 minutes later as he approached the coffee shop storefront he saw Maia waiting out in the cold to be let in, she hadn't thought to bring her spare set of keys with her because Alec was always there first.

"Sorry, sorry" Alec almost laughed as he approached, keys at the ready to get the door open.

"God it's freezing out here" Maia shivered, pulling her hoodie tighter around her and then running into the warm building as soon as Alec got the door unlocked.

Alec flicked on a couple of the lights, shook off his bike jacket and donned his regular dark green apron.

Maia followed behind him after she was satisfied that she was thawed out and started to help Alec set up.

Alec yawned into the back of his hand again as he started to remove the white mugs from the dishwasher.

"Late night last night?" Maia said with a wiggle of her eyebrows as she polished some of the display glasses with a clean dish towel.

"Not what you think" Alec smirked, his eyes still a little tired as he glanced over to her.

Maia placed the tall glass up on the shelf and turned back to pick up another.

"I'm taking a cooking class a couple of evenings a week and yeah I was just up a while last thinking" Alec explained, trailing off a little at the end.

"Oh, yeah?" Maia asked.

"Nothing Important" Alec smiled a tight-lipped smile.

Alec got the milk dispenser filled and switched everything on that needed to be before wandering over to the double glass doors to turn the sign around to display 'Open'.

"Another day, another dollar" he sighed as he walked back over to the counter.

Customers wanting their morning take-out coffee on their way to work began pouring in, inundating Alec & Maia with drinks orders.

Alec went to work, whipping up Cappuccinos, Lattes and Espressos like he was made for it. Steaming milk and grinding coffee beans all at the same time as Maia worked the cash register and called out drink order after drink order.

Most of the morning went on the same way until the mid-morning lull which gave them both the chance to bus tables and clean up a little just as a couple of their colleagues arrived to help out for the lunchtime rush.

"I'm gonna take my break," Alec said, taking off his apron and heading across the street to the sandwich truck parked on the corner to get some early lunch.

"Turkey and Swiss on rye?" he asked the vendor, handing him the cash and stood back for a second, lazily scrolling on his phone while it was put together.

He glanced across the street, his eyes widening with a little happiness when he caught sight of Magnus, walking with his hands tucked into his pockets, bracing his shoulders against the cold wind.

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