Chapter 23

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Two Days Later


Vivienne is turning toward the gate of her house and sees Happy sitting on his bike, waiting for her. Vivienne smirks to herself and they all head in.

Vivienne is sitting in the car as her guards go through the house and yard and Happy comes up to the window. Vivienne rolls it down. She raises her brow, “Haven't seen you for a while. Was starting to think you used me for a one time fuck and that was it.”

Happy laughs and shakes his head, “Nah. Club’s been keeping me busy last few days. But I’m free now.” he says.

After a little bit more of a small conversation, Tony says everything is clear and Vivienne gets out of the car. She waves goodbye to her guards and lets Happy inside the house.

Vivienne sets her things down with a sigh as Delilah and Joanna come running up to her. They sniff her and move on to Happy. Vivienne walks over to the back door and whistles for their attention. She opens the door and they run outside, “I’ll go out with them.” Happy says.

Vivienne nods and shuts the door. She gets their food ready and freshens up their water. She gets out leftovers she has and heats them up, enough for her and Happy.

Happy comes back in as the food is finishing up, “Sit. Eat.” Vivienne says and Happy obliges. They finish eating and Vivienne puts the dishes away to be washed. She walks past Happy, “I hope you didn't have the idea of sex in mind tonight, because I’m exhausted.” she says.

Happy laughs, “That’s good because the club has been keeping me up and I haven't gotten much sleep. I like your bed.” he says.

Vivienne lets out a tired laugh, “Okay. Well, I have to shower. So, feel free to do whatever until I’m done.”

“I’ll hang with these guys, or girls actually, until you come back.” Happy says as he sits on the couch. Vivienne nods and goes up the stairs.


Vivienne is brushing her hair in front of the mirror on her dresser as Happy comes in with Delilah and Joanna rushing past him.

“Make yourself comfortable.” Vivienne says. Happy takes his boots off first, and then his shirt and jeans.

Vivienne watches him do it and she smiles at him. “Pervert.” Happy jokes. Vivienne laughs, “Ha ha.” Vivienne pulls back her covers and gets into her bed. Delilah and Joanna are laying on the bed and are watching Happy as he tries to get into it.

Vivienne pats them both, “Go on, babies. Get on your own beds.” she chuckles. Happy gets into bed, “They would have gotten up later in the night anyways.” she says.

Vivienne and Happy lay down and Happy pulls her into his side and they both fall asleep quickly.


Vivienne opens her eyes and hears the faint sound of buzzing. She turns to her night table and grabs her phone. She looks at it, 20 new messages. “Shit.” she says as she gets up.

Happy wakes up when he feels her leave the bed. “What’s wrong?” he asks. “You need to get dressed.” she says, still looking at her phone.

She listens to her voicemail, from Leigh.

Hey, Viv. It’s Leigh. We just got news that Daniel got picked up by the DEA. We know he won't rat but we just need to be taking extra precautions. Call me back as soon as you get this.

“Goddamn it!” Vivienne yells. Happy is in the bathroom but he comes out when he hears her yell, “What happened?” he asks.

Vivienne turns around and for the first time, Happy sees her worried. “I think the Feds are on me.” she says.

Force To Be Reckoned With [Happy Lowman x OC] | #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now