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The story of Adam and Eve, God's first creation, the embodiment of man as well as sin. The realization of temptation and greed, the birth of jelousy and resentment, the birth of Adam and Eve.

Once again the clock will be reversed, and the chosen will be the cursed, the pair of children that have been picked to live out an unruly fate, that they themselves have yet to even understand nor contemplate.

This is a new story, a new beginning of a fresh birth, the world's next Adam and Eve.


London, England
The Birth Of Eve

The gates of the warn out church wained and swayed as small gusts of wind blew them from the outside. Along with the rattle of the rusted knobs the faint sound of something nearly indistinguishable.

A man took a steep step forward, resting his hands on the front of the worn-down building, feeling as the dust built up in between his fingers. He glanced at the door, taking a quick step keeping his hand fixated onto the wall. The door was made out of wood, it was no longer in its former state of glory, it was tattered and rotted down to the very core.

As he made his way closer the obnoxious sound grew quickly, not ceasing even with the sound of foots steps idly approaching. He grasped for the door handle, tightening his grip around it before forcefully shoving it open with a determined push.

The sounds still growing louder and louder.

He stepped inside agiley, the wood of the floor boards giving out small creaks as he went, his weight nearly breaking a few as he went.

The noise persisted.

He looked around, taking a few steps back in retreat as he hastily whipped his head from side to side, turning his body in a full circle.

It was truly a beautiful church, the rows of benches lined up in columns, three on each side. Some small pure whites popped out here and there, and in the middle a fallen chandelier, the gold of its holsters rusted and brittle, the candles melted almost entirely. It was a shame what it had come to. Such a holy place no longer pure but rusted and diseased. Its services no longer needed by God.

He fixed himself again continuing further into the church as he mindlessly passed through the rows of the benches.

The sound never letting up.

He checked his sides and under some of the benches until he was only left with the ulter at the front of the church.

It continued.

The man put his hand up to his chin in thought stroking it softly as he walked up, meeting the center piece of the church.

The source.

He took a small step forward making him able to see behind the alter, and began to kneel down, his knees swiftly meeting the wooden boards with a small "thud".

As he adjusted his eyes to meet behind the structure he was met with something completely unexpected. His eyes widened in a small curiosity.

There, right behind the alter was a small basket, with pure white cloth residing around it. Small embroidered flowers looked to be sown into it aswell.

He stiffened, the sound of what he could now distinguish as a child's cry emitting from the woven object. The latter reach forward, pulling it swiftly while adjusting his position to sit down on the cracked wood.

With the crys growing louder and louder as he did so, the man quickly braced himself, letting out a deep rigid breath, reaching his hand to smoothly remove the fabric that covered the basket's containments.

His breath quickly staggered, his eyes growing wider, and an expression of shock quickly spread across his features. For what resided in the small basket was a tiny child.

He brought his hands to pick the small human up, watching as his touch caused its crys to considerably weaken. The latter looked at the child in his arms, it was strange. His eyes closed in thought.

Why would a newborn child be here of all places, an abandoned church.

Quickly shaking his head he let his eyes open up again to be met with the child. He brought one of his hands from under the child delecetly touching the small human's face. The finger pads gracing softly around the cone of the baby's ears, until he abruptly stopped his hand. He had felt something behind the child's ear.

He glanced pulling the child's ear back gently to get a better look. Swallowig the lump that had formed in his throat, his eyes traced the letter that had appeared  behind the small one's ear.


He panicked quickly rising to his feet the child still in his arms. He understood what that "E" ment, everyone knew what that "E" ment. For it was time that a single child be expected to have it anyday now, people were waiting for it for the "A" had already been born two years prior.

He was beyond worried, he at first thought the child to have been abandoned but it seemed he was placed their for a reason. Almost as if to be found.

He ran out of the church breathless still clutching the small child. This is beyond bad this was awful, he had to find this child protection at all costs, even if his life depended on it. The identity of the child must be kept as a secret, it has to be.

For the child with the "E" behind their ear was not a female as what was expected, he was a male.

The disciple of Eve had been reborn as a small boy.

A boy that would later be named Jeongguk.


Sorry if this chapter seems boring orz, I have to set stuff up! Dont worry though the next chapter will be far more intresting, I just thought since kooks birth was different from taes it should be included.

Tae was actually born pretty normal he has parents and such and was born in a hospital unlike how kook was found.

Idk do u guys like the first chapter ok? 😔

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