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Jeongguk frantically opened his eyes, his brown orbs being met with a wonderous sight, a flower garden, however it was only filled with a single type of flower, carnations.

Jeongguk stepped forward kneeling down to pluck one of the flowers from the ground. As he did so it changed color, going from the purest of white to that of a bloodstained red.

His reaction was to immediately drop the dirtied flower, watching in disgust as it fell to the floor in the middle of a white ocean.

He got up from his kneeling position, his eyes moving up to look at what layed beyond the white sea. His eyes widened In shock as he took in the new surroundings, all of it flowers and what stood in the middle was a single girl. Her delicate blonde hair resting on her shoulders.

Jeongguk blinked a few times, bringing his hand to rub at his chin quickly before placing it down to his side. As he did so the girl began to move forward towards him, causing the boy to stagger back in surprise.

He wanted to run but she emitted a strange pull towards him. Something he knew he could never get away from even if he tried to.

In the blink of an eye she was in front of him, her bright blue orbs staring up at him with a small glint, and her lips curving into a delicate smile. Jeongguk gulped the heavy lump that had formed in his throat as they exchanged eye contact.

Standing on the tips of her toes she lunged forward grabing onto the taller boys arm pulling him closer toward her while bringing her lips to his ear.

Her words were crisp and firm and her voice was otherworldly, it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever heard. It reminded him almost of a fine silk, the way it flowed from the girl's lips.

"You are the child of Eve, you must fill your role as such. Search for Adam my child, He must know of who you are."

Jeongguk's breath became rigid, he asnwed the girl quickly, "B-But how am I supposed to find the man if I do not even know the slightest of names?"

She backed away from him still smiling, her eyes forming into small crescents. "Trust your instincts Jeongguk." With that she kneeled down picking up one of the flowers, watching as it turned crimson in the palm of her hand.

She then moved her eye's to look up at Jeongguk, moving her hand to fix a stray strand of hair on the boy's head, delicately placing the flower near his ear.

She began to speak again. "I do hope you don't forget that we had this encounter again Jeongguk, for that would be most troublesome."

She moved her hand to the boys cheek caressing it slowly before backing away again, a small frown gracing her features.

"Why? Have we met before miss?" Jeongguk questioned.

The smaller women let out a small chuckle, turning around to have her back face the boy. She walked forward slowly watching as the flowers changed with the touch of her bare feet.

"I guess you could say something like that." She turned around once again to face the other, now a few feet away from him. "Just remember I'll always be here forever in this garden, so I do hope you come and play again sometime."

Jeongguk nodded in agreement, a small smile growing on his lips as he did so.

The girl began to play with the him of her dress, plucking at the embroidered flowers. "Well then, I think it's about time you wake up. I wouldn't want you to be late for work. It was nice seeing you again kookie."

The boy reached his hand out quickly, he ran up to her in an attempt to grab her arm, to at least ask of her name but before he could everything went a nightmarish black. The flower garden turning into a bloodstained red.


London, England

"Wait!" Jeongguk gasped, sweat running down his face, his eyesight clouded. His breathing was ragged almost as if he has just ran miles and miles on end with no rest.

He closed and opened his chapped lips, inhaling small puffs of air, trying to regain his composure. Taking his hand he quickly wiped the sweat that had formed on his brow.

He felt restless.

He knew that he had fallen asleep early that night so why was he still so tired. His body felt full of energy while his consciousness felt completely drained, he couldnt even remeber what he had dreamt in the first place. The dream that caused him to awake in such a cold sweat.

"Why is it that I can never remember." He muttered to himself, sitting up agaisnt the headboard of the small bed. "Maybe I need to see a doctor."

Jeongguk let out a exasperated sigh bringing his hands to clench the fabric of his shirt roughly.

Swiftly he swung his feet over the matress of the bed delicately placing them on the wooden floor boards of his room. Pushing himself off of the matress he took a few steps towards a cabinet, pulling it out forcefully, scavenging for a fresh pair of clothes.

He walked into another room carrying his clothes and placed them down on a table. Rolling up the sleeves of his night shirt he made his way to the bathtub turning it on quickly and checking the temperature, before making his way to the small sink where a mirror hung.

Jeongguk has the habit of staring at his reflection in the mirror, no it wasn't because he was narcissistic, it was due to the birthmark on the side of his right ear. It was in the Shape of the letter "E". His late father had told him to keep it hidden, and he did so by growing his hair out to cover his ear. The man never told him the story behind it nor what it ment, even until the last dying breathes left his lips he never uttered a word about its meaning to the boy.

Jeongguk snapped out of the lucid trace regaining his composure at the sound of overflowing water. "Shit." The boy rushed towards the bathtub frantically turning it off as he felt the water overflow onto the floor.

He leaned down his stomach on the side of the tub his hands resting in the Luke warm water. A prominante frown on his face, "my water taxes." He wailed, letting out a pained groan.

"I tried so hard not to overuse so I would save money but I go ahead and do this." Continuing to pout he hit the temple of his head lightly agaisnt the tub. Jeongguk needed to deprestely hold on to any cash he had, he couldn't go wasting it on silly things like this. He had to pay for college and the work he did barely got him enough to get through the tuition costs.

Sighing he got up from his position, he began to drain some of the water so it wouldn't overflow even more when he stepped in.

He undressed himself quickly making sure the water was still warm and at least bearable.

As Jeongguk stepped in a sudden feeling of relaxation hit him, he took the chance to calm down and soak quietly before he began to rush to school, letting out a content sigh as his tired muscles made contact with the warm liquid.


KSKSKS sorry nothing interesting has really happened yet but dont worry im getting there 💆‍♀️.

The first few chapters will be to set up the story so please hang in there! Also taehyung may be introduced next chapter, A and E will mayhaps have their encounter 👀

Also make sure you pay attention to small details in the descriptions and writing hmmm they may come in handy later :^)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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