Chapter 3: Meeting Other People! Taking Care of Some Bullies

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers here is chapter 3 of this story and by the title of this story, you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Riley and Max P.O.V

"After meeting Team RWBY and also getting used to Beacon, they've been staying there until they had a chance to return back to their home, it's the next day as Riley and Max are in a cafeteria that's bigger than the Shatterdome as they look around to see that everyone is a student since they're in uniforms..................
....................they look as they see Ruby and her team waving at them as they walked up to them and sat next to them...................
Ruby: "Hi."
Riley: "Hey." they were hanging out with each other, four more people appeared and they sat with them at the table.................
????: "Hello."
Riley: "Hey."
???? 2: "Were you the two that came out that robot?"
Riley: "Yeah. That's us."
Jaune: "Woah, that's cool. My name is Jaune Arc."
Nora: "My name is Nora Valkyrie."
Pyrrha: "I'm Pyrrha Nikos."
Ren: "The names Ren."
Riley: "Riley. This is my brother Max."
Max: "Hello."
Riley: "And also, what we piloted is not called a robot. It's called a Jaeger."
Jaune: "Oh, okay."
Pyrrha: "Why name it that?"
Max: "In other terms it means Hunter."
Weiss: "Why is it called that?"
Riley: "It started about years ago before me and my brother were born, we were invaded. Aliens attacked are planet, but here's the trick. They didn't attack from space."
Max: "A dimensional portal we call The Breach opened up and coming through that portal were giant monsters we call Kaiju."
Yang: "What?"
Ruby: "Wow."
Ren: "The that's why the Jaeger was made?"
Max: "The Jaeger Program. Yes."
..................they saw on the look on their faces that they are amazed to hear that..................
Blake: "Then what was the one you both were piloting?"
Riley: "It's named Gipsy Avenger, we both are the pilots."
Nora: "Why do you two pilot it?"
....................Riley was gonna explain, but he was interrupted by laughing and he hears laughing as he looks to see a guy and three other guys laughing as they see a girl with rabbit ears and he realized that they're laughing at her as he gets angry. Max looks and he gets uncomfortable seeing a girl getting bullied as he slowly gets angry as well..................
Riley: "Who is that?"
Blake: "That's Cardin and his team CRDL."
Ruby: "And the girl is Velvet, she's a rabbit Faunus."
Weiss: "And a Second Year Student."
Pyrrha: "Once again they're bullying her."
Max: "Wait, what?"
..................the moment they saw Cardin pull on Velvet's ears and they laugh more, Riley looks at Max as he nods and they both get up as they walked towards them. Riley grabs a milk carton and as he gets close he pours it in Cardin as he tenses and he gets up angry as he looks at him...................
Cardin: "What the hell? What's that for?"
Riley: "I am telling you this once, leave her alone. She hasn't done anything to you and you bully her, for no damn reason."
Cardin: "She's a freak."
Max: "Strange. The only freak we're looking at is the big armored wearing ape and his three little bitches kissing his ass."
...................everyone laughs as some started saying 'Oh, Burn' as Cardin gets angry, then he sees that he's is cornered by both of them as......................
Cardin: "Take that back."
Riley: "Why don't you make us?"
...................Cardin goes to punch Riley, but he ducks as he delivers a punch of his own as Cardin breathes hard from it as Max kicks him down, then Riley sees one of his teammates lunge at him, but Riley delivers a clothesline as he lands on the ground as he groans, Max looks at one as he grabs a food tray as Max goes to lunch him, but the guy uses the tray as a shield for his face. But, Max smirks as he pic he the tray and he gets knocked out. The last one walks away as Cardin and his team follows with one guy dragging the one knocked out, Max looks at Velvet as she had tears in her eyes and he sits next to her...................
Max: "Hey, hey it's okay there's no need to cry. He's gone now."
Velvet: *sniffles* "Th-Thank you. Both of you."
Riley: "No problem. I'm Riley. This is my brother Max."
Velvet: "I'm Velvet."

Weiss P.O.V

..................Weiss looked as she smiles at what Riley and Max did, but she looks at Riley and she placed her hand on her chest..................
Weiss: (Wow, those two are caring, but Riley sure is amazing.)

3rd P.O.V
Timeskip-5 Days Later the port side of Vale, some boats were coming in for delivering some supplies along with other things, but in an Atlas command center sensors started going off as something is swimming to the docks as the soldier's eyes widen. Then the ships get bumped into as they shake violently, then something rose from the water as the ships get pulled form the water rising and as it clears a Kaiju sized Grimm comes out:

 Then the ships get bumped into as they shake violently, then something rose from the water as the ships get pulled form the water rising and as it clears a Kaiju sized Grimm comes out:

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..................everyone at the docks are running as they scream, then back at Atlas everyone is getting on high alert as Ironwood looks as he gets angry....................
Atlas Soldier 1: "Look at the size of that thing."
Atlas Soldier 2: "How are we gonna fight that thing?"
Atlas Sargent: "Get ships ready to battle."
Ironwood: "No. It won't be enough."
Atlas Sargent: "Then what do we do?"
...................Ironwood looks down as he thinks, then he remembers as he looks at some soldiers...................
Ironwood: "Get to Beacon Academy. Bring me Riley and Max Becket, now."
Atlas Soldiers 3 & 4: "Yes sir."
Atlas Sargent: "General. *he looks at him* Are you sure about this?"
Ironwood: "It's our only chance. Just get the drones ready to deliver and get someone to get their pilot armor ready. I know they can do it."
.....................the Bullhead arrives, then Riley and Max runs off as they head to where they gets dressed in their pilot armor, then they walked in the head of Gipsy Avenger as they get ready...................
Riley: "You ready brother?"
Max: "Let's do this."

"Neural Handshake in 5.......4........3.......2.......1"

..................they go through their memories as Gipsy Avenger powers up and the drones latched on as it lifted them up and they head to Vale, everyone at Beacon is trying to arrive to the Bullheads to fight. But, they couldn't....................
Random Male Student 1: "Woah, hey there's a big Grimm out there. We have to fight it."
Random Female Student 1: "Why aren't we going to fight it."
Random Male Student 2: "Come on. Let us through."
....................then as they're complaining, it stops as they hear some kind if thrusters and they look to see Gipsy Avenger and everyone looks in amazement and Teams RWBY, JNPR, AND CFVY look as they know what's going to happen as the other students are amazed at what they're seeing....................
Ruby: "Yes. This just got better now."
.......................they arrive as they lands on the ground and they look to see it as they looked and they didn't recognize what type since they learned about the Grimm...................
Riley: "Ironwood, you know what Grimm this is?"
Ironwood 'on comms': "No. This is new, and by the size of this thing it's the size of the Kaiju you talked about."
Max: "Yes. The height does match, what's the progress on the evacuation?"
Ironwood 'on comms': "Every civilian around your area has evacuated. You are clear to engage. Show no mercy."
Riley/Max: "Sir. Yes sir."
...................they get in fighting stance as the Grimm roars and they rush at it as they get ready to battle a giant Grimm."

To be continued..................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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