The last olypian

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P. 14

the room was hot and humid, and in no time we were drenched in sweat.

P. 21

Just looking at the thing made my knees turn to jello.

My arms were so heavy, I could barely raise my sword.

P. 22

Suddenly there was a wrenching pain in my gut

The edge of the scythe shaved of my shirtsleeve and grazed my arm. It shouldn't have been a serious cut, but the entire side of my body exploded in pain.

P. 23

I wasn't just losing blood. I could feel my strength, my will, my identity draining away.

My arm was throbbing. Black spots danced in my vision.

P. 26

The wound in my arm was sapping my ability to think, but I muttered,

P. 27

A spear sailed past my ear. An arrow pierced my thigh, but I barely had time to register the pain.

Heat seared the back of my head.

Beckendorf, I thought. Then I blacked out and sank like an anchor toward the bottom of the sea.

P. 30

My head felt like it had been microwaved in aluminum foil.

I wasn't so sure. My body felt weightless and cold. My voice sounded wrong. I could hear Tyson, but it was more like I was hearing vibrations inside my skull, not the regular sounds.

P. 31

But my head hurt. My shirt was still specked with burn marks from the explosion.

-but I still felt like I'd been trampled my a laistrygonian soccer team in cleats.

"We found you last night," Tyson said,"Sinking in the water."

P. 90

I don't recommend shadow travel if you're scared of:

a) the dark

b) cold shivers up your spine

c) strange noises

d) going so fast you fell like your have is peeling off

P. 111

The image shattered and I almost fell over

P. 119

Two of them swooped down and plucked me up by the arms. My sword fell out of my hand, and before I knew it, I was dangling dangling sixty feet in the air.

P. 120

Alecto dropped me like a sack of turnips in the middle of the palace garden.

P. 135

Imagine jumping into a pit of bailing acid. Now multiply that pain times fifty. You still won't be close to understand what it felt like to swim in the Styx. I planned to walk in slow and courageous like a real hero. As soon as the water touched my legs, my muscles turned to jelly and I fell face-fist into the current.

I submerged completely. For the first time in my life, I couldn't breathe underwater. I finally understood the panic of drowning. Every nerve in my body burned.

P. 136

I was dissolving in the the water. I was losing the fight. The pain was too much. My hands and feet were melting into the water, my soul was being ripped from my body. I couldn't remember who I was. The pain of Kronos's scythe had been nothing compared to this.

Suddenly I burst out of the river. I collapsed on the sand, and Nico scrambled back in surprise.

"Are you okay?" He stammered. " your skin.oh, gods. Your hurt!"

My arms were bright red. I felt like every inch of my body had been broiled over a slow flame.

P. 139

I cursed and got to my feet, breathing heavily. Now that the danger was over, I realized how tired I was. Every muscle in my body ached. I looked down at my clothes. They were slashed to pieces and full of bullet holes,

P. 142

My hands were trembling. I wasn't sure if it was a leftover reaction from my dip in the Styx, or anticipation of what I was about to do.

P. 152


Knees buckled, but Annabeth grabbed me. "Percy! What happened?"

P. 178

Only one piece got through-a big chunk of glass that hit my chest and probably should've killed me, but it shattered against my skin.

P. 192

Suspension cords whipped around, and I skidded halfway back to manhattan.

I got unsteadily to my feet

P. 226

"Percy?" Thalia asked. "What...what was that?"

I realized I was clammy with sweat.

P. 239

I sat up so fast I banged my head on somebody's shield.

I rubbed my head, trying to clear the disturbing visions.

My head was pounding

P. 245

My eyes still burned. I had to shut off his light.

A wall of force slammed me through the air-, just like the trick Kronos had pulled

On the bridge. I sailed backward about three yards and smashed into the ground. If it hadn't been for my new invulnerability , I would've Broken every bone in my body.

P. 247

I couldn't keep up a storm like this forever, though. I could feel my powers weakening.

P. 251

It wasn't the most comfortable landing. In fact, when I yelled "ow!" My voice was an octave higher than usual.

P. 258

, but I was getting tired, and I couldn't be everywhere at once.

P. 271

My hands trembled. After all I'd been through over the last few days, I felt so stupid and weak, but the sight of my parents made me want to break down.


"everybody keeps telling me to sleep," I grumbled. "I don't need sleep."

Chiron managed a smile "have you looked at yourself recently, percy?"

I glanced down at my clothes, which were scorched, burned, sliced, and tattered from my night of constant battles.

"I look like death," I admitted.

"You may be invulnerable in combat," Chiron chided, but that only makes your body tire faster. I remember Achilles. Whenever the lad wasn't fighting, he was sleeping. He must've taken twenty naps a day. You, percy need your rest."

P. 311

Grover studied me nervously. "Are you okay? You turned pale started smoking."

"I did not!" Then I looked at my arms. Steam was curling off my shirtsleeves. The hair on my arms was singed.

Percy Jackson is hurtWhere stories live. Discover now