The Capital Life

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"We are finally here! Wake up Iris. Wake up!" Is that Rayna? Eh I don't care. "Iris!" Fine I'll wake up. "What!" I scream. "We're here Iris!" Rayna squeals. "Where is here?" I ask. "At the train station Iris." A male voice responds. Who is that. I snap out of my sleepy attitude. I look up. It's just Daniel. "Oh, I'm stupid. I knew that. Just playing with you, you know." I say trying no to sound stupid. I can't because I am stupid. "Sure." Daniel says.

"Here we are!" Rayna squeals for like the a hundredth time. "Let me show you your rooms." She leads us down the hall into a different train compartment. "Iris this is your room on the right, Daniel yours on the left. Now you meet your mentors." As we walk back to the dining compartment Rayna goes over tonight's schedule. "After you meet your trainers it will be time for dinner. Then after dinner you can go explore the train. But bedtimes 10 o'clock. And since we're moving 300 miles per hour, we'll be there a little bit before breakfast. As the days role on I'll be giving you your instructions for each day. Now. Ready to meet your trainers? Good." Weren't we supposed to answer? Guess not. When we walk into the dining compartment I see them. My idols since forever. I have never seen them in person. They never come out in the public. I squeal like Rayna. "Oh my goodness! It's Harry Potter and Hermione Granger! Ahhhhhh!" My smile feels so huge. I think I look scary. So I tone down the smiling. But just a notch. "Well if it isn't little miss Iris." Omgeeee! Hermione Granger is talking to me. I'm going to burst. "Well indeed it is." Says Harry Potter. Best day ever! I look over at Daniel. His jaw had dropped. "Hey buddy. You might want to close your mouth now. You don't want to be a human fly trap do you?" He closes mouth but talks. "I never thought I would actually get to meet you. Both of you. Same day same time. And to top it all off I get to spend a week with you guys as my mentors!" We'll he's excited. But it's funny how he gets so happy over just looking at them. He notices that he just had a big burst of excitement. "Oh a little to childish." He gives a shy but cheesy smile. " do we win?" He suddenly asks. "Hold on just a minute there. It's not time for that yet." Hermione says. "After dinner though." Harry says. "Well Harry since you brought up dinner why don't we start?" Rayna asks. "Be my guest." Harry replies.

I sit at the edge of the table with Rayna and Daniel beside me. We wait a little bit for the avoxes to bring the food. As we wait I look at Daniel and I suddenly realize he looks a lot like Emma. I guess they really are siblings. The avoxes come in. They bring dishes of different salad choices. Rayna says, "salad first." I choose just lettuce. Then I put some carrot shaving on top with kale dressing. Mmmm. So good. We soon finish and the next course comes. This time they bring plates staked with stakes, ribs, chicken, beef, burgers, hot dogs and some other meats I can't identify. I take one of everything. It looks soooooooo good. After I finish piling the meats on my plate I see that everyone is staring at me and Daniel. Even the avoxes. I look at Daniel's plate and see he did the same thing. I answer for both of us. "You guys have got to get used to this. At home we never get to have a big selection of food. Only what is served." I say. I look at Daniel he nods in approval to what I said. "That never happened to us. We always had at least a small selection." Hermione says. "Only child." Daniel and I say at the same time. Rayna laughs. "You guys are really funny!" When I finish my plateful of meat I say, "what's next?" Harry and Hermione laugh for a long time. Then Harry finally says, "dessert of course." "What more food!" Daniel yells. "I'm a balloon." He says as he rubs his belly with a look of satisfaction on his face. "Well," Harry says, "someone here is ready to eat some more. Dessert specifically." Daniel nudges me with his elbow. "Someone's got quite an appetite for a person so small with siblings." I roll my eyes. "Just bring out the dessert." I sigh. That makes everyone laugh.

" time to start on how to servive?" Daniel asks as I finish wiping my mouth from the delicious dessert. "Yes," I say, "it's time. First you find a source of water then you look for oak wood or elder wood. Then you craft a wand. Kill everybody and then you win." Odd silence. "That's the spirit!" Harry says. "But no, that's not it. You guys will watch the two years of the Hunger Games Hermine and I were in. I want you to see what everybody is doing so you can come up with a strategy." He puts in a disc and waits. Then the screen lights up. All the tributes are in position. I look to see if this is Harry or Hermione's year. I spot Harry. "May the 56th Hunger Games begin!" Then the camera is faced at the cornucopia. It counts down. "60-50-40-30-20-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1" Everyone sprints to the the cornucopia. Everyone but Harry. He sprints into the woods. Since he's the only one that isn't running to the cornucopia the camera follows him. He goes pretty far in. Then suddenly he stops. He sits and waits for something. Like he's waiting for a parachute. That's exactly what happened. The parachute came down and he opened it. Inside was a piece of paper. Some kind of instruction manual. Then it hit me.

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