Im free

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Willows P.O.V

Everyday has been the same, trying to go out then Leo stopping me and abusing me, after 2 weeks of this i have gave up trying but the abuse doesn't stop. The last time i went out was to the fair and that was 1 month ago. I've hardly ate anything for nearly 3 weeks. I have became depressed. I have started to self harm. I am suicidal.

I am broken

I've been texting Connor and Ricky but mainly Connor he's been helping me through all this, its funny how the person i hated just a few months ago is the person i trust the most but the person ive known nearly all my life is the person i hate the most. Ava runs into my room "LEO IS GOING OUT FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND WE NEED TO GET YOU OUT OF HERE" shes panting and leaning onto my door "no both of us need to get out of here, if i leave he'll force you to tell him where i am and if you dont say anything he'll hurt you" she hesitated "i guess" i let out a sad smile "where could we stay we hardly know anyone who lives here" Ava had a point we only know 6 guys and my aunty, but we are not living with my aunty i hate her! if i had to chooses to go to heaven or hell and my Aunty was in heaven id choose hell. "i could ask Connor?" Ava looked up at me with fear in her eyes "you could but Leo will know we're their.." I take a deep breathe "FUCK LEO HE CAN GO ROT IN HELL!" that felt so good i hate that boy with a passion! Ava lets out a sad laugh "text Connor then ill pack some bags" i nodded and walked over to my phone

To Con Da Bon

From Willow

'This is kinda weird but could me an Ava stay at your place for a while Leo is gone for the weekend and we need to leave while he isn't here'

He replied straight away


I reply in no time

"Be their in 30 minutes :)'

"AVA CONNOR SAID WE CAN STAY THEIR" she shouts from her room "PACKING ALREADY" shit. I need to pack! i search my whole room for a suit case and i only find a small one and a carry case so i stuff as many clothes as i can into my carry on and put all my makeup, chargers, MacBook and other things into my suitcase . Ive done pretty well as my whole room looks pretty bare "Ava we need to go now" she runs downstairs panting with about 4 different bags,i get my keys for my car and we take no time to run down and put out stuff in the car and drive off.

Connor's P.O.V

Finally Willow is getting away from that freak and coming into a safe home where everyone cares about her and loves her, im glad Ava is coming to so shes doesn't get hurt either. The other boys dont know about the abuse, depression, self harm and starvation except Ricky but hopefully Willow will tell then and they'll understand. I look round the kitchen and living room and it is a pig stein so i start cleaning like a mad woman, Jc Kian and Ricky all walk down the stairs and i feel the eyes staring at me "Connor what are you doing" kian asks "cleaning duh" Jc replies to Kian "yeah but why is he cleaning!" Ricky points out, "willow and Ava are coming to stay for a while" i say as i turn the Vacuum off. The three boys still stare at me and Kian pipes up "ermm why? im not complaining just curious" me and Ricky share a look that type of look when he knows why but doesn't know if hes right (that made no sense) I nods at Ricky then reply to kian "there's a problem with the apartment" kian and JC make that 'ooooh' face and walk off

20 minutes later their was a light knock on the door, i run straight to the door and answer it to see a significantly skinnier Willow with bruises battered onto her body and cuts over her Arms she looks at me with a weak smile "hey connor" my eyes are swelling up and tears are getting ready to fall out my eyes "hey come in" her and Ava pile in with a number of bags. JC Kian and Ricky rush downstairs but stop in their tracks as soon as they see how ill and ruined willow is. She clearly notices the boys looking at her "erm hey guys" yet again the smile she has is weak and has no emotion behind it, all the boys reply with a hey and a gentle hug all four of us boys stand their while Ava and Willow stand looking back at us after minutes of awkward silence willow speaks "i think i should tell you guys why i look like this" the boys nod and we all sit down. Willow tells the boys everything not missing a single detail, by the end of the story nearly everyone had a few tears its food that the other boys understand whats been happening to break the awkward sadness i jump up " how about you two get settled in and I'll order some pizza " both girls nod and go up to the guest rooms while i order 6 pizzas.

Hours pass and we've all just hung out, ate pizza and watched tv and soon it was time for us to all go to sleep as most of us were already nodding off on the couch anyway. I say goodnight to everyone as we all go to our rooms and i drag myself up the stairs to my room Once i finally got to my room and ripped of my shirt and kept me joggers on and crawled into my bed aka heaven and fall asleep within a minute. I wake up at 3 am to get a glass of water, as i walk past Willows room i hear whimpering and i walk into her room to see her holding her knees up to her chest rocking back and forth repeating the same words
'Please dont hurt me Leo please'
She hadn't even noticed that i walked in until i spoke up "willow?"

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