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"You're free tomorrow at midday, want me to reserve that?" He winks as Taehyung rolls his eyes at the teasing.

"Yeah, sounds good."

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough

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It was fast approaching midday and each time the bells above the café door alerted barista and coffeephile alike to another entering with their whimsical melody her heart skipped a beat.

Namjoon, the guy who worked at Kim Ink had called her that morning shortly after she showered to inform her of a slight change in plan.

"Taehyung would like to meet you at his favourite coffeehouse, he thinks a more relaxed atmosphere will help with his inspiration for the design. I'll text you the address, he says to still meet at midday."

"He couldn't call me himself?" She found herself asking, a little dejected that the inked Adonis hadn't wanted to speak with her.

There was a pause, the clearing of his throat before he answered.

"Taehyung doesn't usually make these kinds of calls to clients, that's my job but I'll personally tell him to do so next time." There was a teasing lilt to his voice and she immediately felt herself blush.

"NO! I mean....please don't. I don't think that's necessary, he's obviously a busy guy."

There was yet another lengthy pause, then if she wasn't mistaken several voices could be heard followed by a deep laugh....that sounded like Taehyung. Why didn't he call himself if he was right there? Were they laughing at her?

"Sure midday is fine, tell Taehyung I'm glad he's amused but when we meet later maybe he could be a little more courteous and treat a paying customer with more respect." She was shaking by the time she finished speaking, she hated it when people made her feel self conscious.

"Hello babygirl, anger like this really doesn't become you. I would've called myself but was busy finishing up with a client so asked Namjoon to do it instead, my client said something which made me laugh hence the amusement. I've just seen them out and decided to finish the rest of this call myself only to hear very angry words coming out of that beautiful mouth."

Did he just call her beautiful? No, she obviously was mistaken because someone like him couldn't possibly find her attractive.

Y/N was lost for words, what an absolute idiot she was for jumping to conclusions. It wasn't something she used to do before the accident, she never doubted herself or was so self conscious.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, that was so rude of me. I'm working on getting better, ever since the accident I've not been myself."

"Babygirl stop, we're totally fine and you don't need to explain yourself. I understand, we can talk more soon."

How did he do it? How did he manage to banish her negative thoughts so easily, nobody had ever done that before and it confused her.....the two only met yesterday.

"Cat got your tongue babygirl?" He broke the silence, reminding her that she still hadn't replied.

"No, sorry. I was just thinking, my mind tends to wander at inconvenient times." She laughed, nervously pulling at the loose towel threads as she sat on the edge of her bed.

His breath hitched, he muttered something which she couldn't quite make out.

"What's wrong?" She asked only to be greeted by silence.


"I'll see you at midday." His voice sounded heavy with something she couldn't quite decipher.

"Okay, sounds good." The phone clicked to signal he was the first to hang up and she frowned before hitting the call end button.....what was up with his sudden mood change?


Taehyung arrived at the coffeehouse just after midday, heart racing at the thought of his siren and how close they would be in mere seconds.

Calm yourself Taehyung, you can do this.

Earlier that morning something happened which changed everything, the siren laughed and it was the sexiest fucking thing Taehyung had ever heard.

He was enraptured, everything she did sent his heart wild and lust spiralling out of control.

Taehyung didn't want some meaningless fuck but he also wasn't ready for a committed relationship, besides the two had only just met so he couldn't rush this.

One step at a time Taehyung, get to know her first.

He took a deep breath, adjusted the black bandana keeping his cereulan hair pushed back and opened the door.

Siren ♡ Kim Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now