9. (1/2)

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Taehyung was surprised with her response, was she struggling just as much as he was?

Could it be possible she felt the same urges and desires?

"How does ten tomorrow sound?"

"It sounds perfect."

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough Taehyung thought as they said goodnight.

Y/N felt ridiculous, what was she thinking?

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Y/N felt ridiculous, what was she thinking?

Her gloved hands nervously opened the box lid and she frowned, what message was she sending if she showed up with homemade cupcakes?

They weren't dating.

They weren't really anything.

Taehyung would run for the hills if she gave them to him, what would she even say?

Oh hey, figured as I couldn't sleep last night that I would make you cupcakes.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, what a stupid thing to do. It wasn't sexy or cute, it was just weird.

"Argh you don't even know the guy that well so what the hell are you doing?" She muttered to herself as she crossed over the road.

The moment she arrived at Kim Ink her heart was racing, she didn't know what to say or how to feel after their last encounter at his apartment.

The two obviously shared a moment, she just wasn't sure what would happen next.

Did Taehyung regret it?

Would he even acknowledge it?

The chime of bells sounded as she stepped through the door, it was bitterly cold outside so the warmth was a welcome relief.

It was the sound of a woman laughing that greeted her first followed by Taehyung's deep voice.

The moment her eyes focused on the two clearly enjoying their time together she froze.

The woman was sitting opposite Taehyung, head thrown back laughing at something he was saying.

She looked happy.

He looked happy.

Y/N's heart dropped.

Taehyung moved closer, eyes focused as he moved the needle across her flawless skin.

Y/N had never seen a woman so beautiful, so perfect.

The kind of woman Taehyung should be with.

There was absolutely no way in hell she could compete with someone like that.

Taehyung hadn't noticed her arrive early, too busy inking the beautiful woman who was completely taken by the inked Adonis.

Y/N lowered her head, frowning when Taehyung laughed at something the inked beauty said.

She needed to get some fresh air, gather her thoughts.

Y/N never noticed Namjoon arrive at the desk, didn't hear him call after her as she spun around and fled.

"What the fuck are you thinking Y/N? He's obviously not going to be interested in you, he probably does this all the time." Y/N paced back and forth outside the door, eyes narrowing as she looked at the box of cakes.

"Why the hell would you make cupcakes?! What a stupid thing to do, you don't even know him that well."

"I happen to think that's cute, sure Tae will too."

Y/N spun around at the sound of another voice, cheeks heating up when she spotted Namjoon leaning against the door.

"How much of my breakdown did you hear?" She breathed out, completely embarrassed.

"Pretty much all of it but don't worry, I won't say a thing to anyone about it." Namjoon chuckled.

"You've got it all wrong by the way, there's nothing going on with Taehyung and Amber. She's just a client, she may see him in a different way but he doesn't feel the same."

"She's beautiful." Y/N couldn't stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth, she hated how jealous this was making her.

She had no right to be mad.

Taehyung was single and could do whatever he wanted.

"Yes she's beautiful but Taehyung has never done anything with her, trust me on that. It's just how he is, he's a social butterfly when it comes to his customers. He builds a good relationship with them, that combined with his skills as a tattoo artist keeps them coming back and keeps us in business."

It made sense, was she simply worrying over nothing?

Namjoon gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, eyes conveying understanding.

"Come on, it's freezing out here."

Y/N gave a nod, following Namjoon as he headed back inside.

"Look who I found?" He called out over the music, a piece by Chet Baker.

The inked beauty was now standing by the chair, jacket on and bag thrown over her shoulder talking animatedly to Taehyung who was now standing with his back to them.

The moment Namjoon announced their arrival Taehyung turned around and smiled.

"Hey." He breathed out, totally forgetting the inked beauty who was looking between the two.

Kim Taehyung was completely floored by the adorable vision opposite him.

Wrapped up in multiple layers, fluffy blue scarf around her neck and nose tinted red from the cold.

She was fucking beautiful.

"Amber, why don't we arrange your next session?" Namjoon came to the rescue, escorting the clearly irked inked beauty away.

"I'm sorry to disturb you." Y/N chuckled, nervously nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Don't be sorry, session has finished now."

Y/N gave a nod, cheeks heating up when Taehyung's eyes dropped to the box she was still holding.

"Did you bring me something?" He asked with a smile, taking tentative steps closer.

"It's stupid really, totally embarrassing actually. I couldn't sleep, decided to make you something to say thanks."

Taehyung's fingers gently brushed against her own.

"May I?" He motioned to the box and she gave a nod.

This was it.

Moment of truth.

He would find it totally weird and run for the hills.

Taehyung opened the lid and smiled, his head lifted and their eyes met.

"I don't think it's stupid or embarrassing, I think it's adorable and I can't wait to try one."

"So you don't think I'm totally weird." Y/N chuckled, lowering her head.

Taehyung placed his index finger under her chin and pushed up gently.

"I don't think you're weird, adorable.....beautiful......sexy but not weird." His lips met the corner of her mouth, the kiss short but sweet yet sent both their hearts racing.

Taehyung never noticed Amber leave, the only woman who had his attention was the one with a red nose, multiple layers and a box full of homemade cupcakes.

Siren ♡ Kim Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now