ash vs gary oak

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Ref:welcome to the Kanto league
5 on 5 battle trainers choose your

Gary - elective I chose you
Elective - electi

Red - eartheon let's go
Eartheon - eartheon

Gary - eartheon
Pokedex - no data
Gary - so it's rare huh?

Red - yep,you go ahead Gary
Gary - fine electivire use

As electivire uses thunderbolt it
Didn't work

Gary - how is that possible
Red - Gary, Gary, Gary eartheon is
A ground type how dumb can you
Get,eartheon use earthquake

As eartheon uses earthquake
Electivire has been k.O.ed in one hit

Ref - wow it's a one hit K.O now
Choose your next pokemon Gary

Gary - grrr fine nidoking I choose u
Nidoking - Nido

Red - return eartheon, vaporeon
Com'n out
Vaporeon - vap

Gary - nidoking use drill run
Red - dodge it quick

Vaporeon dodged it easily

Red - now use waterfall
Ref - nidoking is unable to battle

Gary - umbreon let's go
Umbreon - umbreon

Red - spookyeon I choose you
Spookyeon - spooky eon

Ref - battle begin

Gary - umbreon use dark pulse

Red - spookyeon dodge it then use
Shadow tsunami

Ref - umbreon is unable to battle
Spookyeon wins

Gary-what! How's that possible

Red- everything is possible

as the journey continues

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