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"God, Arabella, you said you'd be here today," Tony complained immediately as I entered.

"And I'm here?" I agreed confused, following him as he hastily started walking down a hallway.

"It's 7 in the evening!" he cried out, grabbing my upper arm to pull me with him faster.

"Yes. I was at a family dinner," I reminded him.


"It was a long way home," I shrugged it off.

"Where does your family live?" he asked; "Ohio?"

"Greece," I muttered, making Tony roll his eyes. He didn't believe me.

"He's in there," he stated as we neared a door, slowly slowing down.

"Cool. I'll go say hi," I decided, sending Tony a calming smile.

"This guy is no joke, Arabella," he reminded me.

"Isn't everything a joke in the end?" I questioned poetically.

"Only funny things," Tony corrected, knocking on the door; "This guy is not funny."

He opened the door, revealing a large black desk in front of a dark skinned man in a leather coat and with an eyepatch.

"A pirate working in an office." I looked at Tony; "That's kind of funny."

"So. You are Arabella?" Fury questioned me after I sat down on the other side of his table.

"Yep," I agreed, looking around the surprisingly small room.

"You know archery?" he questioned.

"Better than your little Arrow," I claimed.

"Hand-to-hand combat?"

I nodded.

"Tell me, where does a pizza delivery girl learn that?" he asked, leaning over the table.

"At pizza college," I claimed.

"I didn't always work at Devine Pizzas," I admitted, sensing his mood; "I didn't exactly pop out of my mum wearing a red shirt with their logo on, did I now?"

"So where did you learn it?" he continued. I shrugged.

"My dad. He gave me a bow and arrow as a kid. I guess I was kind of spoiled," I said with a confident smile.

"Who's your dad?"

"A guy my mum boned."

"And who's your mom?"

"A girl my dad boned."

I sent Fury a smile.

"Any siblings?"

"A twin and a half sister," I replied honestly.

"Where are they?"

"Greece. He lives in a small village. My sister... She has quite the liking to Athen," I said, a calm smile decorating my lips.

"Who are they?"

"My siblings."

"Who are you?"

"Their sibling."

"Who are you?" he repeated coldly. I looked at him before taking a deep breath.

"You can't tell anyone," I stated.

"Who would I tell?"

"Or put it on any documents," I continued unbothered. He thought for a second before slowly nodding.

"My name is..."

"Tony!" Steve hissed when he noticed me.

"Shush," I said, holding a hand up to listen.

"I don't understand," I heard Fury say behind the door.

"What are you doing?" Steve cried, looking desperately at the door.

This was really hurting his rightful side.

"Well, you accepted Thor," I heard Arabella point out.

"Because he was no threat."

"Neither am I," Arabella replied calmly; "I just deliver pizzas."

"Maybe that's your occupation, but I know who you are now. You're-""Tony, this is wrong," Steve tried again.

"I need to know who she is," I admitted; "There's something about her.."

"Maybe so," Steve agreed; "But Fury will tell us what we need to know. Come upstairs."

I looked between the door and Steve before sighing.

"Team!" Fury's authoritative voice sounded over the living room.

"Fury," Steve greeted as he entered - quickly followed by Arabella.

Fury's eyes -eye - scanned the room.

"Where's Banner?"

"Lab," I replied calmly.

"Could you bring him up?" Fury asked.

"JARVIS?" I said in the open air.

"Already informed him, sir," the reply sounded, making me smile with satisfaction.

Quickly after, Bruce joined the team around on the couches after politely greeting both Arabella and Fury.

"This is Arabella," Fury began.

"We knew that much," I muttered, desperate to get to the good stuff. Steve discreetly prodded my thigh with his knee.

"She will be your new team member."

"...I didn't know that," I admitted. 

"I don't understand," Tony admitted; "Why is she joining The Avengers?"

"Are we just recruiting off the streets now?" Red questioned, raising a hand towards me; "No offense."

"Oh, none taken. In fact, I agree," I admitted, turning to Fury; "You should kick me off the team."

"Arabella is joining the team because she's highly skilled, and she's showing her will to cooperate. She'll be staying for no more than 12 months where she will be evaluated to see if she is a threat. If so, we will stop her. If not, she's free to go back to her life as she left it."

I send the team an awkward smile.

"What makes her so skilled?" Archer asked.

"That's not for you to know," Fury stated coldly.

A silence spread around the room until Captain America took a step forward.

"Welcome to the team, Arabella." 

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