just don't die

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Natsu's P.O.V

after that freak out of mine i sat on the side if the bed holding my head

"tch i don't know anymore.……maybe

... we should get a adbortion"

"No!" i then turn my head around and see lucy sitting up

"i will not get rid of our child!"

"but lucy, t-this child could kill you!, all because of me!"

"natsu..........this child is apart of you and me, so even if i die-"

"no shut up!, don't say that word!"

"natsu listen to me!, if i die you must love and care for this chil ok!"

"i will never love that child if it kills you!"

"Natsu!, please do as i say, because if i go and if you don't love this child.....i-it will be alone" she said now breaking down in tears

i then pulled her into a tight hug and place my head on her neck

"i'm sorry but please just think about it ok" i whisperd

"*sob* i will but its always going to be *sob* a no"

"well just think-"


"lucy whats wrong!?

"hehe it kicked"

"oh thank devil, i thought that-"

"ah ah my water broke!

"i knew it! wait what!?"

"get a friggen doctor!"

"isn't to early though!"


" ok, ok calm down i will be back soon!"

i then ran out of the room to get a doctor, i was quite happy knowing that my child will be born soon,but then.......... i remebered that lucy might die.

after i got the doctor we ran back to the room where lucy was screaming, my eyes widen at the horror of my dear lucy screaming cause if that god dam child!. the doctor then looked at her and called more doctors in and they pushed me out of them room and closed the door


i then gave up of banging on the door and slide my back down the wall until i was on the ground holding me knees

"j-just don't die" i wisperd

A/N: to lazy to right author note so yer hope u enjoy

Devil's Love (NaLu story) - WILL NOT BE COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now