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Natsu's P.O.V

"Who wants her Lucy?!" I half yelled over the loud sound from the ground shaking,

"Lamia, she wants Nashi!, she wants to eat her!"

It was like as soon as Nashi figured out that we were talking about her Nashi started crying really loud which made it hard to hear Lucy.

" who?! and why?!" I shouted

"Lamia, she is/was a Greek goddess and was in love with Zeus, but Zeus's actually wife got very jealous and killed Lamia's children. This made Lamia go made and crazy and she turned into a monster that now it's other people's children for revenge!" (It all true)

"B-but why Nashi?!" I was concerned, I mean why would this lady want our little Nashi

" I don't know, maybe for her power?"

Then it hit me, this Lamia wanted to eat Nashi to get her so called "Power", but the thing is Nashi isn't old enough to have any angel or demon power yet, so why, why does she want Nashi now?!. But then got a idea

"Lucy do you know where she lives, like what realm?"

"I-I think the depths of hell"

Great this should be easy then, I mean my father is basically the ruler of hell and that also means the Depths Of Hell.

The ground now started shaking violently, and I then jumped on the bed and held Nashi and Lucy in my arms to try and protect them. We then heard a big BANG!, and I looked towards the doors and saw a women but with the lower half a snake, I then heard growling and looked to the left corner to see my Dragon standing in a protective stance. I then understood that i needed to release him, I then pointed my hands towards the dragons chains and shouted

"These chains once bounded are now to be released!"

And with that the dragon charged forward like lightning and went to attack the beast.

A/N: so hello I know this is short but oh well XD hope you liked it :)

Devil's Love (NaLu story) - WILL NOT BE COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now