Chapter 1

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"I don't care where we go, I just need to forget about everything for a few hours," I said as I stepped out of the elevator, my phone against my ear. I waved to the secretary on my way out of the building. "No, Hale. I don't want to go to a strip club." The old lady on the sidewalk next to me turned her head, her face horror struck. I rolled my eyes. "Look, just choose somewhere and pick me up at my place in an hour."

I ended the call and hailed a cab. I stepped into the backseat and threw my briefcase on the seat next to me while giving the driver my address. I stared out of the window. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't fucking believe it. I was ready to buy the ring. I was ready to buy the house. I was ready for the commitment. I snorted. So much for that.

I paid the cab driver and made my way to the loft on the top floor of my apartment building. I froze in the doorway. Everything reminded me of her. She had been a part of my life for nearly two years. She had basically lived with me for the last year. Now... Now everything just felt empty.

I loosened my tie, kicked off my shoes and stepped into the bathroom. I gripped the sink with both hands and stared into the mirror. Flashbacks of Monique ran through my head. I could still smell her perfume on the towels. I shook my head. Yeah, I could probably also still smell the little shit that she fucked while I was at work on my bedsheets too.

The buzzer sounded in the living room. I padded to the door in my socks, pressed the button and waited for my front door to open. "You're early." Hale, my best friend since kindergarten, stood in the open doorway.

Hale made a noncommittal noise and glanced around uneasily. He had a fading bruise on his cheek and I idly wondered where he'd gotten it.

I shook my head and told myself not to worry about it. He'd tell me if he wanted to. I left Hale at the door. He knew the apartment well enough to find his way.

Hale closed the door and fell down on the couch a few seconds later. "How are you holding up?"

"Dude, I am way too sober to rant about my ex to you right now!" I shouted from my room as I undressed.

"Yeah? What do you say we have a couple of drinks and then we go in search of that little dickhead? What was his name... Gunner? Gary?"

"Ain't his fault Monique was a cheating bitch," I said, stepping into Hale's view in only my briefs. Hale's eyes ran down my body for one fleeting second before he shifted uncomfortably and averted his eyes to the window. We'd been on the same football team in high school and he'd never been awkward in the lockers. In recent years, however, I noticed that he preferred it when I didn't undress in front of him. Fine by me. I always worried about my self control with Hale in the room.

"Hurry up, will you," Hale mumbled.

I stared at Hale for a few moments longer before disappearingback into my room. "Done," I called a while later, grabbing my wallet and jacket.

We took Hale's car and navigated through the city. I always worried when he drove us. I idly wondered when was the last time the car had been serviced, or the gas been refilled. Hale refused to tell me where we were going, but he promised that neither of us will even remember our names by the end of the night, if we so choose.

"Where are we?" I asked skeptically. We were sitting in the car in front of an ominous brick building with a flat tin roof.

"You'll love it, I swear," Hale said, stepping out of the car.

The music was loud. The club was full to the brim. Sweaty bodies were grinding on one another. The scent of alcohol attacked my senses. But Hale pushed through the crowd until we were pressed against the bar. He ordered two beers and two shots before he turned to face the crowd.

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