Chapter 2

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Sky's hands ran underneath my jacket and I moved my shoulders to shrug out of it. My brain had switched to one simple thought: get both of us naked as soon as physically possible. I kicked off my shoes as Sky did the same, our lips never leaving each other's for long.

Something in my mind could recognize that I was much too starved for this to stop it, and Sky was too heartbroken to care who he was kissing. No, Sky just wanted to forget. He's never had an interest in me before tonight, no matter how hard I pined after him. I needed to accept that it would never change. I would remember all of this tomorrow and feel like shit yet again. It was a real cycle for me by this time. Me thinking that we stood a real chance at starting a relationship. Me being one step away from admitting to the man that I'd loved him for as long as I'd known what love is. And then the real world inevitably stepped in.

Sky tugged at the hem of my shirt and I was happy to oblige. I tugged the piece of fabric over my head and tossed it off of the bed. Sky sucked in a breath as he stared at my bare chest. He ran his hands over the hard muscles and moaned in response. My cock hardened and I grinned devilishly.

"You know, I'm becoming very uncomfortable in these jeans," I breathed out.

Sky arched up to grind himself against me. "Then take them off," he whispered into my ear. I sat back, still straddling Sky's narrow hips, and unbuttoned my jeans with his hungry eyes on me and his warm hands running up and down my sides. I got off of the bed and undressed in record time.

"Awfully presumptuous of you," Sky said as my naked body pressed him into the soft fabric of the bed. I went to kiss him again, but he placed a finger over my lips. "Undress me first, Lover Boy."

I was more than happy to follow his command. His jacket was the first to go. I kissed every bit of naked skin as I exposed it.

This was every erotic fantasy that I'd ever had. I wasn't even sure if it was reality at this point. After Monique, I'd lost all hope. Before her, he had been single for three years and I was one day away from admitting my feelings. Actually, not even that far. I'd taken him to a club, just like tonight. I'd bought him a few drinks even though I knew he was a lightweight, just like tonight. I'd taken him out on the dancefloor, just like tonight.

I'd also left him alone to go to the bathroom for just a minute, but unlike tonight, he hadn't come to look for me. When I'd found him again, he'd told me how absolutely in love he was with this girl that he had just met, Monique. My heart had shattered as he told me what a great friend I was for forcing him to get out of the house.

Sky's shirt came off next and landed in a heap on the floor. I groaned at the smooth skin of his pecs underneath my fingertips. I took one of his nipples into my mouth. Sky moaned at the contact. I chuckled and sucked harder as I twirled the tip with my tongue.

"Pants, Hale! Take them off before I come in my pants like I'm a damn teenager again," Sky managed to ground out just before I could start on his other nipple. I chuckled as I undid his button, pulled down his zipper and all but ripped off his pants.  His briefs were the last piece of clothing left. I smiled wickedly.

I crawled back up the bed until I could lower my mouth over his groin. I blew my hot breath over the bulge in the fabric. Sky smothered a shout and my hands flew up to keep him down when he arched his back. I glanced at his face and saw his glazed eyes watching my actions hungrily. A wicked smile spread across my lips as I slipped my hands into his underwear. I took my time removing the last piece of fabric that seperated us, my hands sliding over as much skin as I possibly could.

My lips met his again as we ground our naked shafts together. I moaned into his mouth. His arms that were around my neck tightened until there was barely any space left between us. My arms were around his waist and I tried my very best to pull him even closer. I was just about to ask him if we could go further when I realised that the supplies of the club were in the dresser against the wall. I dropped my head onto his chest in defeat.

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