Chapter 5

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"Want me to come pick you up?" I asked Hale over the phone. We were just organising a date for the night. It's been a week since I'd kissed him on that rock and things were going great. We didn't get to spend much time together on weekdays and I'd counted on weekends for seeing him, but apparently he had to work some weekends. He always avoided the question if I asked him what exactly he did for a living, so I just stopped asking to avoid conflict.

"Nah. I'm already in townsquare. I'll just meet you at the restaurant in an hour."

I frowned. I couldn't hear any background noise over the phone. Wouldn't there be people talking or car horns blearing if he were in the middle of town. I shrugged. Not my bussiness, but it did sting that Hale never seemed to want me at his place. "Alright. See you later, babe."

I walked into the fancy restaurant at least ten minutes late. I'd gotten a bussiness call just as I was about to walk out the door and it had gone on for far too long. My eyes scanned the tables inside for Hale. I spotted him in a corner, nervously tapping his foot on the floor as he glanced around him uneasily. We decided to take turns planning dates. Tonight was my night and I'd chosen a restaurant where one meal probably costs more than the upkeep of Hale's car.

I inherited the company, and the money, from my father. Why shouldn't I be allowed to treat my boyfriend to a fancy dinner? Well, he wasn't officially my boyfriend yet. Hopefully after tonight, if I could scrape together the courage, that would change.

"Hey, babe," I greeted as I paused at his seat to kiss his cheek before taking my seat. It was a formal restaurant and we were both dressed in tuxedos for the night. Hale looked good in a tux. I noticed his tight-lipped smile and the way that he wouldn't quite meet my eyes. Something was wrong.

"Hey." Hale fidgited with his cutlery for a second, but sighed when he saw my frown. "The people were looking at me funny," he gave as answer to my silent question. "They know I don't belong here."

"Oh, please. You're with me now. People should get used to you," I brushed his worries off as I took a cursory glance at the wine list on the table.

"Oh! Mister Clarkson. What a wonderful surprise. I'm Marcy and I'll be your waitress tonight," the waitress sashayed up to our table. She shot a flirtatious smile my way before directing her gaze to Hale. Her smile disappeared. "Guess you were telling the truth about meeting someone. I was starting to wonder." Her words dripped with scorn and my blood boiled at how she was treating Hale. Like he was dirt on her six inch heels. "Would you like something to drink, Mister Clarkson?" Her sickly sweet voice annoyed me already.

"Yes, actually. My date and I would like a bottle of the red wine at the top of the list and a bucket of ice." My icy stare bore into her and she gulped.

"Of course. Right away, sir."

"You didn't have to do that," Hale said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I know." I took his hand accross the table and intertwined our fingers. He gave me a shy smile. I'd spent my life hiding my sexuality. I was tired of it. Hale was mine and I'd make sure the whole world knew it. People at the other tables were turning to glance at us. I could see them whispering to one another.

Our bottle of wine arrived two minutes later. We sat in complete silence while the waitress worked, setting down and filling our glasses over our clasped hands. I reveled in her uncomfortable, jerking movements. I wanted to make her feel as awkward as she possibly could. She finished and started to retreat a few seconds later and I hid a smirk when she nearly tripped in her haste to get away from us.

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