Chapter 3

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It's been a week since the night at the club. Hale and I haven't talked to each other since. I had hoped for more excitement afterwards from him. If he had even shown even a  small smither of wanting something more than just a quick fuck, I would've jumped at the idea and been all in for this relationship thing. Hell, a relationship with Hale is what I've wanted for as long as I can remember.

But no. He had run off as if he had made the worst mistake of his life and left me drowning in my self pity. I couldn't focus on anything but Hale. My worklife was suffering too. I sat and stared at my computer screen all day long while replaying that night in my head. In meetings, I zoned out thinking about Hale's eyes, his smile or the sound of his laughter. Every time my phone went off, I hastily checked to see if it's Hale.

All in vain, of course. Hale hadn't reached out since that night and I wasn't pushing anymore. The first few days, I'd sent him something every now and then, but now I just let him be. If he wanted to ignore me, then it was his thing.

I knew that we had to get together to talk it out sooner or later. It was after all neither of our faults. Not that I would ever view it as a mistake... It was my absolute dream. It was the single best memory of my life. Clearly Hale felt differently though. Maybe we could just forget about it? Play it off as a drunken night of fun? Not that either of us had been drunk enough for that excuse... Or that I was a good enough actor to have faked my pleasure. Hale would see right through me.

Maybe that was it? Maybe he saw that it wasn't merely some hookup to me, but that I wanted more. Maybe he saw my love for him shining in my eyes and he was freaked out or disgusted. Hell, maybe the man had enough shots in him that he wrote it off as drunken fun. I hadn't seen him drink more than me, but maybe I'd missed it.

Maybe, maybe, maybe. I was killing myself with this. Maybe I should just talk to him like an adult. Oh wait... He won't answer my calls. I snorted at my own sarcastic comment. I could move on too. I could forget about Hale and the whole situation as if it had never happened. I didn't need him!

I subtly shook my head. I was in the middle of a damn business meeting and I hadn't heard a word since the oh so importants walked in. My father had built the online technology sales company up from scratch and, when he'd passed away five years ago, had left his empire to me. Lucky, lucky.

This business was the root of all the problems and confusion in my life. I was constantly in the media. Every bussiness magazine or millionaire monthly featured the "young unmarried heartthrob". AKA... Me. The news this morning was already full of my breakup news. Great. Because it's not like that stuff was private or anything.

I wondered what Hale was doing. Maybe he was still in bed? It was only ten o'clock and Hale regarded everything before one as bedtime. I angrily threw my pen on the table in front of me. I had to stop.

Thing is... Since that night, Hale's never left my mind. I was constantly wondering what Hale was doing, where he was and, most disturbingly, when we could hook up again. I wanted to scream. My best friend was going to kill me. He was going to think I was a disgusting idiot whom he never wanted to see again. Goddamn I couldn't forget Hale. Not even for a minute. The man was always on my mind. Had been for years. I'd always been able to suppress my feelings, why was it so hard now?

"Mister Clarkson?" The people around the boardroom table were looking at me expectantly. I had no idea what they'd asked, but I honestly couldn't care less at that second. A moment of clarity hit me like a brick. It sucked the air right out of my lungs.

"I gotta go," I said as I stumbled from my chair. I nearly fell, but managed to throw the door open and dash to my office. My phone was already out, fingers pressing the familiar numbers.

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