Untitled Part 4

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*Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is not very good, my next chapter will be better!

Rose hurried into a fancy little jewelry shop on the street. As soon as the Carpathia had docked, she got off, wasting no time. Now she had no money, food, shelter, or anything, and she wasn't about to run back to her horrible fiance or mother. 

Rose stepped into the shop and walked up to the counter.

"Hello, miss. What can I do for you?" the jeweler said.

"Well," Ruth said and reached into her pocket, "I would like to sell this." She held up the gleaming Heart of the Ocean blue diamond necklace, and the jeweler's eyes widened in shock.

"M-my goodness, ma'am!" The man stuttered. Rose did not want to sell the necklace because it would mean she would have no physical proof of the time she spent getting drawn by Jack.

"I'll take it! What do you want for it, I'll give you anything in this store!" The man offered excitedly. But Rose fidgeted , wondering if she should actually give it away. She looked down and spotted the engagement ring given to her by Cal!

"You know what, sir? I'm very sorry, but I am not going to sell you that necklace. But I will sell you this ring instead," Rose decided. The ring was not important to her since she did not love Cal, and besides, the wedding would not be happening anyways.

The jeweler was considerably less impressed although he mustn't have been too disappointed because the ring was worth a LOT  of money.  After the man conducted a thorough check to make the sure the ring was a real diamond and not a scam, Rose walked away with a large sum of money in her pocket. She was off in search to find a place to stay. Rose was easygoing and did not have many needs, and so Jack had joked that she had been "mailed to the wrong address". The memory made Rose feel sad, but she needed to keep going. She settled upon a boarding house that was small and cheap, but it would do until she found a place to work and could buy a house. It was nighttime, so Rose went to bed, ready to wake up and start her new life in America.

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