1. Stranger

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"There's gotta be something wrong with me"

Josh thinks to himself as he watches the beautiful blonde begins to take off her shirt with a drunken giggle, giving a small wink at the circle of frat boys—and girls that are gawking at her.

"Damn Jenna you got a nice figure!" One of the boys says , giving her a toothy grin and Jenna giggles putting her shirt back on. "Eat it up! Because you ain't getting any!" She says as the boys all groan— even a few girls who also seem very interested in her.

This is where Josh's problem begins.

He know he should feel something, a tingle of excitement of seeing a beautiful girl shirtless, but he doesn't. In fact he's pretty sure he was the only one who wasn't absolutely drooling over the blue eyed beauty. However, his attention is drawn somewhere else, well rather on someone else.

It's the boy in the middle of the circle with the fluffy hair and deep brown eyes who is swiping his swiping his tongue across his lips as he watches Jenna get seated back next to him.

"Good job Jen, you broke your only rule of not stripping tonight" he hears the boy say with a soft smile as Jenna punches his shoulder playfully. "Shut up Ty, I'm 19 I can do whatever I want!" She says loudly. "Plus we're all friends here!" She says gesturing around to all the people in the circle.

That's slightly true, some of the boys he knows from high school like Pete and Dallon, they were no where near being his best friends but they were close. He also kinda knew Debby and Jenna because they had a lot of the same classes but they aren't as close as everyone thinks they are. The only person he actually knew pretty well was his best friend Brendon, and that's only cause he's known the guy since preschool.

However there were some unfamiliar faces who he'd only seen a couple of times before at football games because her and Debby were both on the cheer team and the other guy Ryan who Brendon had been chatting up all night.  There was also some strays from cheer and football like Sarah, Jon and Ashley.

Then the handsome stranger who he had yet to learn his name, the boy with the pretty face and the memorizing smile that's making Josh even more confused as every minute passes . He's never felt this feeling for anyone it's quite nerve wracking, his palms are sweating because he catches himself staring and he can't seem to look away and— oh god he's looking at me.

The two catch each other's gaze and the handsome stranger smiles softly at him , giving him a small wink before turning back to rejoin the conversation that Jenna and Debby are now having.

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