Chapter 2

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   Following the car ahead of him, Cyril drove along the highway, elbowing his belongings that filled the car out of the way if they slid. After the blond man's persistent insisting the whole work day, Cyril had finally agreed to stay with Ray until he was back on his feet. Ray was driving ahead of him, and Cyril was relieved when they at last parked and he didn't have to fear an avalanche of his things anymore.
   Getting out of the car, Cyril picked up one of the suitcases nearby. He didn't want to put everything in Ray's place just yet, as he was still a bit worn from his long previous night.
   Ray waited for Cyril and they walked up to the entrance together.
   Unlocking it, Ray pushed the door open and the men went in. Turning on the light and shutting the door as they both took off their shoes, Ray gestured to the space. "Tada! It's not a palace or anything, but I think it's alright."
   "It's great. Thanks, Ray." Cyril offered a bit of a smile to his coworker. Cyril was honestly just glad that he didn't really have to sleep in his cramped vehicle.
   Ray's apartment was quite nice actually, and was decorated in a way that was rather Japanese-inspired.
   "This way." Ray led Cyril to one of the sliding doors, opening it to reveal a decently sized room. "Sorry that there isn't a proper bed in here, but..." He went to the small couch against the wall and moved the cushions, then pulled the hidden bar underneath. "It has a pullout bed."
   "Don't apologize." Cyril set his suitcase aside. "It's nice that you're letting me stay here when no one else would."
   "Well, I'm not a heartless bastard like some people." Ray beamed and tapped his finger on Cyril's nose gently. "I'll get you some blankets and pillows."
   Cyril sat down on the bed. It wasn't particularly uncomfortable, but it did feel a bit springy. He exhaled a long breath and rubbed his arm self-consciously. He'd never really had to stay at someone's place for an extended amount of time before and hoped nothing went wrong. It was embarrassing to need to stay at someone's house, but what else could he do?
   Ray came back, plopping the blankets and pillows on the bed. "Alrighty. Time for dinner then. Come on." He nodded for Cyril to follow.
   Rising from the bed, Cyril followed Ray into the kitchen. "What're we having?"
   "What do you want?" Ray asked, picking up the phone. "I just order dinner usually."
   "Do you have something we can make here?" Cyril suggested.
   "Uh...not that I can immediately think of..." Ray admitted. "I don't really cook..."
   Allowing himself to smile, Cyril rounded the counter and took the phone from Ray's hand, hanging it up. "Well, I'm pretty good at cooking."
   "Really?" Ray smiled in return with a raised brow. "You can search the kitchen then and see if you can whip something up, Hotshot."
   "Sounds alright with me." Cyril looked through the pantry and the fridge, coming up with several ingredients. "It's not Friday, but I think I can make an exception."
   "Stir fry?" Ray assumed, then looked at the meat and vegetables laid out on the counter. "Not a bad idea at all. I won't be completely useless; I'll help cut stuff up."
   "Okay, but wash your hands first." Cyril replied.
   "Yes, Chef." Ray teased and went to the sink to wash his hands.
   Cyril chuckled to himself and got out a pan and some knives. He washed his hands when Ray was finished, and they both began to chop the ingredients.
   It didn't take much small talk to pass by before Ray brought up the subject they were discussing at work. "So why did your dad upset you so much this time around?"
   Cyril didn't answer, placing the rest of the meat he'd sliced into the awaiting pan, causing it to sizzle some more.
   "It'll feel better if you talk about it." Ray tried to entice him into speaking as he chopped up a green pepper.
   "Alright." Cyril agreed eventually, chopping up a yellow pepper. "Like I said before, he's disappointed in practically everything about me."
   Ray listened silently, moving aside the neat piles of vegetables they'd finished cutting.
    "When I was a kid, he tried to make me a 'manly man'. Always looming over my shoulder, making sure I did things how a proper boy should." Cyril stirred the meat as it began browning more. "It was important to him that I was the epitome of masculinity."
   "I understand that." Ray rolled his eyes at the thought of his own childhood. "My dad was the same exact way."
   "Even when I agreed and did the stupid masculine things, he was never happy about it!" Cyril curled his lip slightly. "Then there were the days when I became older. The constant pressure of getting a girlfriend."
   "You're preaching to the choir." Ray nodded, wiping his hands on a washcloth.
   "I can still hear him. 'Why don't you have a girlfriend, Cyril?' 'You do like girls, right Cyril?' 'Don't want anyone thinking you're a homosexual, Cyril.' Anything to try and make me date some girl; any girl."
   "Yeah, the same went for me." Ray agreed. "Except the homosexual part was actually true..."
   "You don't say?" Cyril gave a playful look to Ray, trying to push away the building emotions of thinking about his childhood.
   "Shut up." Ray snorted good-humoredly and helped Cyril put the chopped vegetables into the pan.
   Stirring and pouring in the sauce he made, Cyril continued while Ray began cooking bags of microwave rice. "It was a relief when I moved out. I didn't have to fixate on doing what my dad wanted anymore and I could try living how I wanted to live."
   "Moving out is everyone's saving grace." Ray nodded, leaning against the counter as the rice cooked.
   Cyril slowly stirred the contents of the pan, thinking back on his life. "Things weren't so bad when my mom was around, but after she died, everything was just...terrible."
   Ray was silent as he crossed the kitchen. He went to Cyril's side and placed one hand on the man's shoulder, while his other hand patted him softly on the back. "I know it sucks to lose someone like that, but you find later in life that you're glad to have had them at all when you're in a world of assholes."
   "Yeah." Cyril murmured quietly, leaning into Ray's touch in the slightest.
   The microwave beeped seconds later, causing them to jump. Ray took it out and drained the water, dumping the rice in a glass bowl before setting it on the counter.
   Cyril turned off the stove and took a seat with Ray next to him. They made up their plates and began to eat, satisfied with the pleasant flavors.
   "You weren't lying." Ray said after finishing a bite. "You're a great cook."
   "Thanks." Cyril triumphed at the praise. "And thanks for helping."
   "Yeah, well I wasn't going to sit by and make you do it all yourself." Ray replied.
   As they ate, they talked about topics from their families all to their personal lives. It was rather pleasant, because they could talk about anything and there was no one from work that could interrupt.
   When the men finished and rinsed their dishes, putting away the left overs, they got ready for bed. Luckily, Ray had two bathrooms, although one was smaller than the other, but they at least didn't have to take turns.
   "Goodnight, Ray." Cyril raised his hand in a slight wave as he stood halfway in and halfway out of the room he'd be staying in.
   "Night, Cyril." Ray waved in return.
   Cyril slid the door shut and went to the bed, spreading out the blankets and situating the pillows. Laying down, he stretched, took off his glasses, and began relaxing in the bed.
   Not much time had passed of Cyril rolling from side to side, trying to fall asleep, when he heard something in the room with him. At first he shrugged it off, but he heard it again a few minutes later. Sitting up, Cyril squinted, peering into the dark.
   In the corner of the room, he could see a figure moving around. Cyril snatched up his glasses. He certainly wasn't a child anymore, but there is always something horrifying about an unknown shape moving in the same dark room as you.
   Keeping his cool, Cyril got up and went to the door, quietly sliding it open and allowing the dim light to shine in, dividing the shadows.
   The light shone towards the corner, and Cyril was relieved to see a large, fluffy cat. "I don't think you're supposed to be in here."
   The big cat looked at him and approached him when he spoke, purring and rubbing against his leg.
   Cyril reached down and stroked the cat's broad head.
   Out of the corner of his eye, Cyril saw more movement, and when he faced it entirely, he couldn't hold back a brief yelp of surprise.
   In seconds, Ray came out of his room, flicking on the lights. "What? What's happening?"
   Cyril was staring wide-eyed at a second cat. This cat had hair, but hardly, and it's eyes were like two, bright yellow full moons. "Your cat... startled me."
   "Who? Miss Van Helsing?" Ray blinked, picking up the scary-looking cat. "I'm surprised she didn't attack you to be honest."
   "Attack me?!" Cyril repeated in alarm.
   "Yeah, she doesn't like strangers very much. Probably should've mentioned that." Ray admitted. "Thor seems to like you though."
   The large hairy cat Cyril had been petting was still purring at his feet.
   Although Thor was ugly, but a different sort of ugly than Van Helsing, Cyril still kind of felt the familiar warmth inside when you receive the attention of an adorable animal. "Yeah, I think he does."
   "I'll get them both out of your room." Ray said after a moment. "Suppose I should've checked to make sure they were out of it in the first place."
   "Do they sleep outside?" Cyril asked.
   "No. They sleep wherever they want in the house." Ray answered, picking up Thor in his other arm. "But not tonight, the little monsters."
   "Well, I wouldn't mind if Thor wanted to stay here." Cyril shrugged.
   "Are you sure?" Ray turned his head a bit to the side. "He's a cuddler and he's practically a heater too."
   "I'll take my chances." Cyril smiled, and allowed Ray to put the large, pale ginger cat into his arms.
   "Alright. We've got our sleeping buddies then and I'll make sure Helsing stays in my room." Ray nodded, smiling as he saw Thor, quite content with being held by Cyril. "Goodnight."
   "Goodnight." Cyril stepped out of the way as Ray closed the door.
   Back in bed, Cyril laid down and removed his glasses once again, letting Thor situate himself, which ended up with him snuggling against Cyril's shoulder.
   Cyril didn't mind, enjoying the warmth and the low, lulling sound of the cat's deep purr as he fell asleep.


Side note: my friend and I came up with what Ray's cats are called and what they look like.

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