Part 13

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The next day at school


You were sat at lunch with Mj talking about homecoming you were both really excited. 

Peter: hi guys what you talking about 

You: homecoming 

Peter: I'm really happy you're going with me 

You: me too 

Go gave him a kiss on the cheek 

Ned: y/n don't look now but Liz is walking over here 

You: great 

You said sarcastically 

Liz: hi peter 

Peter: hi Liz what's up 

Liz: I was wondering if you wanted to be my date to homecoming

Peter: I'm going with someone else sorry 

Liz: who 

Liz: hahaha that's funny y/n 

Peter: hows that funny 

Liz: because she thinks she's going with you 

Peter: she is 

Liz: so I guess that kiss meant nothing . Oh sorry y/n guessing you didn't want to find out this way 

She said smiling 

You: I already know I literally confronted you about it the other day 


She stayed silent 

Mj: bye Liz  

Liz: so you're not going with me peter 

Peter: NO! 

Liz: whatever 

End of the day 

You: do you guys want to come to the Avenger's tower with me. My dad invited you to dinner. 

Mj: yessssssss 

Ned: wait thee Tony Stark invited us to dinner 

You: yep 

Ned: well my day has been made

You: what about you peter

Peter: ok I'll come 

The avenger's tower 

You: dad were here 

Tony: hey guys go through to the other room there are some people in there that I think Ned and MJ will wanna meet 

You: ok. Come on guys 

You walked into the other room and saw all the Avengers sitting on the couches 

Thor: ahhh its y/n

You: hi guys 

Bruce: who are your friends 

You: well this is MJ, Ned, and Peter but you know him as Spider-Man and he's also my boyfriend 

Sam: is this the one that broke your heart

Bucky: he broke your heart! Right am gonna kill you now 

You: stop! We're ok now, so please don't kill my boyfriend. 

You said laughing  

The next day 

It was the Saturday before homecoming so you and MJ decided to go find a dress. 

Mj: what about this one 

You: it's nice but I think you can do better 

Mj: ok, how about this one 

You: it's perfect

Mj: ok let's move on too you 

You: well I like this one 

Mj: you look stunning 

You: aww thanks MJ 

Mj: it will definitely make Liz jealous

You: good 

You said laughing

Ring ring 

You: one sec my dads ringing me 

On the phone

You: hey dad

Steve: y/n it's Steve

You: oh why are you using his phone  

Steve: mines broke, anyways peters here 

You: ok will you tell him to wait I'm just buying my dress 

Steve: ok bye

You: Bye  

You bye your dress and then you make your way home. You walk through the door and you see Peter been shouted at 

You: what's happening 

Tony: Nothing 

You: well it doesn't seem like anything you are yelling at my boyfriend 

Tony: Peter here has been trying to be a hero and going after the people who kidnapped you

You: but dr darks dead 

Tony: yes but he has people that work for him. So Peter wanted to get rid of them so they couldn't get you or anyone else 

You: so your yelling at him for trying to take down the bad guy 

Tony: that's not the point he's putting himself in danger and if he gets hurt I'll feel like it's my fault 

Peter: Mr. Stark I'm not in danger I know what I'm doing 

Tony: I want the suit back 

Peter: what?

Tony: give me the suit 

You: dad, you can't take it off him

Tony: I can and I will. 

Peter gives in fighting and gives his suit to Tony 

You: Peter can I stay at yours 

Tony: you're not going anywhere 

You: YES I AM 

Tony: Peter think carefully about what you say 

Peters' face went from you to Tony 

Peter: I'm sorry Mr. Stark I think you need some time apart

You run out the door with Peter

You: I'll get you your suit back don't worry 

Peter: it's ok 

You: it's not ok peter it's your suit 

You saw tears build up in his eyes so you just hugged him  

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