Part 16

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A few weeks later 

Peter Ned and MJ have been texting you and calling you but your dad said it's not safe for you to talk to anyone. 

You: dad when can we go home

Tony: in a few months when it's safe. I know you miss your friends but this was the only option to keep us safe 

You: I know but I just wish we could go home earlier 

4 months later 

It was finally safe for you to go back to Queens. You were really excited but a little nervous.

The first thing you wanted to do was go to peters. You were on your way there but them something stopped you. 

Man: give me your money 

You: what 

Man: give me your money or I'll shoot you 

He pulled out a gun from his pocket. 

Spider-Man: I don't think that will be happening tonight 

Spider-Man webbed him up against the wall

Spider-Man: are you okay. 

You: I am now 

Spider-Man: Y/N!!! 

You: hi peter

He pulled off his mask and gave you a hug and a kiss 

Peter: I missed you so much don't ever leave again 

You: I missed you too 

Peter: are you coming back to school tomorrow 

You: I think so. How are ned and Mj 

Peter: there ok but I know they missed you too. 

You: aww 

Peter: I love you. Y/n 

You: I love you too Peter   

The next day 

Tony: come on y/n it's your last day before summer you don't want to be late 

You: I'm coming 

It was your last day of the school year you were really excited to see MJ and Ned again and spend the summer with them and peter. 

At school 

Peter: Mj Ned I got you a present 

Mj: unless it's y/n I don't want it 

Peter: well I guess your gonna want it then 

You: hey guys 

Mj: OMG y/n I missed you so much 

You: I missed you too 

Ned: don't forget about me 

You: I could never ned I missed you as well

Ned: I missed you too 

You all had a big group hug 

Mr. Harrington: hey guys are you coming on the field trip 

You: I thought there were no other field trips till after summer

Mr. Harrington: yes but I'm really excited about this one so I'm handing out letters now 

Mj: I'll go 

Ned: me too 

You: me three

You: what about you peter 

Peter: I don't know I have a funny feeling about it

Mj: come on peter your just excited because it's the last day 

Peter: Ummm ok I'll come 

Everyone: yeyy. 

End of the day 

You were walking home with Peter because you were going to have a movie night with him 

You: I'm so excited to spend my summer with you and go on this field trip when we get back. 

Peter: me too but I still have a weird feeling about it 

You: maybe it's just excitement 

Peter: maybe. I love you y/n 

You: aww I love you too 

Peter: good   

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