You are 15 years old
You live in Queens
You have recently moved schools and now go to midtown school of science to be closer to your uncle
You live on your own because you have no family other than your uncle Tony Stark
He comes to visit you all...
There was a knock on your door you were about to open it but Tony bet you too it.
Tony: hi kids she'll be down in a sec
Mj: oh my god it's iron man. Pinch me I'm sleeping
Ned: ............
Peter: hi Mr. Stark
Tony: hi kid. Y/n your friends are here
You: coming
You walked downstairs and Peters' eyes were glued to you.
Peter: wow
You blushed
You: Bye dad
Tony: bye don't be back to late
You walked out of the house it was quiet for a few seconds then Ned broke it
You: yep
Ned: oh my god. One of my best friends is the daughter of iron-man
You all laughed
At the party
You walked through the door and saw people dancing, laughing and having a good time
Liz: Hey guys glad you could make it
Peter: do you wanna drink
You: yeah
You saw Peter walk over to the drink table and then you saw Liz walk over to him
oh great
You said to yourself. Then you saw something that made your heart stop. Liz kissing Peter. MJ pushed you outside so you didn't have to see any more
Mj: y/n let's go
You just stood there
Ned:y/n. Hello you there
You came back to reality and just ran out the gate not looking back and tears streaming down your eyes
Neds pov
Peter: where's y/n
Mj: what do you think you're doing
Peter: she kissed me
Ned: sorry Peter I'm with MJ on this one
Back to your POV
You walked into your house crying
Tony: y/n what's wrong
You: I'm not stark I let her take what's mine
Tony: what's happened
Tony: I'm gonna kill him
You: no please just stay with me
You sat on the sofa until Tony fell asleep. You went to bed but you weren't tired so you went on a walk. You went to the roof of the building and just stood there.
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