☀️🌙 The Light Shines My Dark World 🌙☀️

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Good evening, everyone! ❤
I'm very sorry for the long wait. :) TLSMDW is finally here! Anyways, some of the TLSMDW characters names have changed and I also added some scenes... So, I hope you'll all like it. :) And please bear with me if there's a typos. Hehehe. I love you guys and always stay safe! 

Photo above are Hirumi Tanaka & Yoru Yamazaki... 

Before anything else, I just want to greet someone close to me a Happy 18th Birthday! Happy Birthday, Jane! I wish you good health and more blessings to come! Hope to see you soon ~ 

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One Shot Story: The Light Shines My Dark World


April... To others, it's the season of Cherry Blossoms to bloom... To other students, April is the start of a new school year... To me, it is my most unforgettable and painful days of my life. Why? Well, it's a long long story that I don't want to remember anymore... I just sighed. What am I thinking anyway? Goodness... It's almost time but wait, someone's entering our room and as soon as he gets inside, all the girls here surround him. Wait, he looks familiar to me. I think I've already seen him before...but where?

"Hiru-chan!" My attention was suddenly diverted when I heard Hoshi-kun's voice coming from outside the window. Oh, he's on the ground floor while my classroom is on the second floor of our school building. His voice is incredibly loud.

"Let's grab our lunch together." Hoshi-kun said while smiling at me widely. I just nod and patiently wait for him here. It's our lunch time now and just like what Hoshi-kun said, we will be eating together again. I am now fixing my things when someone suddenly speaks beside me that made me turn to look at him.

"Long time no see, Hiru..." Wait... This is the same guy who came just now... No way... Am I imagining things?

"Yoru Yamazaki..." I said while still looking at him in shock that made him just nod as he smiled at me...just like how he smiled at me before... He never changed. He's still that guy who gets everybody's attention...just like before.

"I thought you already forgot about me... It's been three years since the last time we met. So, how are you now, Hiru?" He said and asked while still smiling at me. How can you even smile at me like that as if nothing happened three years ago? I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders while still sitting on my chair, completely ignoring his presence. How dare he ask me that!? But wait a minute... What is he doing here anyway?

"What are you doing here? You should be in New York, right?" I asked as I turned to look at him and I saw him furrowed his brows.

"Why? Aren't you happy to see me? Maybe you already have a boyfriend ~" He asked before he gave me a wink. What was that for!? If ever I will be in a relationship again, I will make sure to find a guy who's better than you, cheater! I took a deep breath first before I started laughing that made him arched his brows.

"Why are you laughing? What was that for?" He asked in confusion or more likely, he is annoyed at me right now. I just shook my head before I stopped myself from laughing and looked at him straight in his dark brown eyes...

"Nothing... You're just too dramatic, Yamazaki-kun. Of course, I remember you but I didn't miss you so stop talking to me as if we're close friends." I said before I smiled back at him and saw him looking at me in total shocked.

The Light Shines My Dark World [COMPLETED] 🌸Where stories live. Discover now