The Story of Evil- Daughter of Vengance

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History prefers legends...

it remembers the battle and forgets the darkness...

However history remembers me if it remembers me at all, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth. (ALVH)

Felicia's POV

There was a time not long ago before this time of peace that I am held up as a heroine of the war... I was but a lowly village girl from the out skirts of a kingdom of unspeakable inhumanity and the person on top was a young girl of age 14... Everyone knows some parts of the story some more than others.. This is how I remember it, this is my side of the story:

I lived with my brother Malcolm he was always going on and on about the princess and how dispite what people thought that she was just a lost soul...With hair like gold and icy blue eyes the princess is a natural demon with appearance of a beautiful girl in my  opinion she lives up to her reputation as the 'flower of evil'

He gave everything to that 'flower of evil' as the people called her but my brother was kind even though we were starving he gave up everything for the sake of the princess.... and eventually he passed away.

I was deffinitely a wreck when my brother passed but then someone saved me. His name was Mitchell, eyes blue like glacers and hair much like a field of wheat and has the aura of an angel. And like a love struck fool I fell for him and his gentle words.

He lived with this family in a farm almost like ours only unfortunately not as thriving as many other's and for the past few years we have not really had enough harvests to keep up with taxes and keep ourselves fed. These were tough times and the Princess was unforgiving... at this rate the people of my village will all starve to death.

Soon enough Mitchell asked me to marry him and we were betrothed and it would seem that nothing would tear us apart.


The years went by and things went out of control.... One by one the people of my village started to die of starvation and by order of the princess took their homes and land, leaving them out to die in the street. I took in some orphaned children even though I'm barely able to keep up with paying taxes.

"This is bad." Mitchell said in panic

"What's wrong?" I asked

"We don't have enough to pay taxes... Felicia! the princess has given an order for us to pay or she takes our land." he explained "my dad was furious he would rather die than to give up our home! what should I do Felicia?! he and the rest of my family are going to go agains the princess! they could get killed!" he told me

It was the first time I've seen him scared and broken... I need to do something! anything! "I'll go talk to the princess!" I told him as I took him into my arms "Mitchell I'll go talk to her." 

"What?! it's no use!" he argued

"No! okay if there is but a slight chance for her to give you enough time to come up with the money I'm sure there must be someting we can do." I said shaking some sense into him

I took my horse and rode out for the castle but when I got there it took hours before I was granted audience with the princess and when I got there I begged her to have mercy on Mitchell's family.

"I'm sorry." was the only words I remember from my talk with her and in her eyes was this kind of guilty sadness I didn't really understand that part but I looked at her with pure hatred and the servant with almost the same look as her if I wasn't mistaken they almost looked like the same person or was it just my imagination? stood in between us protecting her.. I was a wereck as I was escorted out I didn't know what to think or say to Mitchell.

When I returned Mitchell was standing there with his house on fire and his whole family dead....

"I've had enough of this shit!" Mitchell announced wiping away his tears "I won't stay quiet about this anymore"

"Mitchell... what are you saying?" I asked

"I will not let her take anything away from me ever again! that princess... I will go against her and I will protect you because you're all I've got left.." He told me. I looked into those glacier blue eyes of his and placed my lips on his.

"I love you Mitchell." I said to him as he pulled me closer placin his lilps on mine

"And I love you... we will change the fate of this kingdom, you and me... together." he said

And deffinitely the order was given for my land to be taken away as I fell behind on paying my taxes. As Mitchell said he protected me he went against the princess and started an uprising.....

Several other villiages started an uprising we thought we were suceeding but we had no idea what we were up against!

The Princess's powerful army soon conqured our villiage and captured Mitchell and several other people who were deemed as the leaders of the uprising.

"Felicia! don't cry." he said reaching out his hand through the cold metal bars and wiping my tears. "I love you, so please keep smiling" he whispered to me as if it was the last time.

Holding back the tears I replied to him "I love you too."

"Times up." the guard said carting me away from mitchell.

"NO!" I screamed fighting to get to Mitchell but the guard threw me out of there.


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