1 - The Beginning

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I was good at listening. Not so much speaking.

Hence why I was sitting in class listening to my friend Taylor quietly rant about his crush on 'the guy from the convenient store' instead of school work.

"He's just so good looking," Taylor whispered, resting his head in his hands.
He looked into the distance with a slight smile on his face.
"He has the thickest brown hair in a natural wave, and his eyes- Oh, Alice, I could stare at them all day." He said; obviously imagining the boy sitting right in front of him, because he reached out his hand as if to grab someone else's.

I looked at Taylor and giggled, ruffling his dirty blonde hair softly.
"You're so weird." I say as he smiled widely, snapping out of the trance his imaginary boyfriend put him in.

I had known Taylor for longer than I remembered. My mother used to say he was my best friend in kindergarten, and we've never left each other's side since.

I feel vulnerable around Taylor, but not in a bad way. The way that I can trust him with anything, and he can trust me. The way that makes me feel like he can protect me, and I trust him to do that. I loved him, but the way you love a brother. That's it, he was my hypothetical brother, and I loved him in only that way.

The teacher turned to us and put up her finger to tell us off for talking, when she stopped. She wasn't looking at us anymore, but behind us. At the window.

There was a sudden bang of something hitting another, making me jump and grab Taylor's arm. I quickly turned my head behind us, and the sight made me feel both uncomfortable and afraid.

I tall man was standing there at the window. The window had cracked in the middle, and the man's head was bleeding.

Did he..?

Suddenly, another bang fills the room as the man hits his head hard on the window; the window cracked again.
I realised as I looked at his eyes that he looked dead. His eyes we're rolling back into his head, and his jaw was open wider than could be possible. His skin was pale and slightly tinted blue.

This man couldn't be dead though, could he? He was beating his head against a window, for christ's sake.

"Everyone, stay calm." The teacher said, getting off her chair and walking to the window.

Calm was the last thing anyone could be right now.

"Sir, are you okay?" The teacher said, not opening the window.
The man grunted lowly in response.
"Sir, I'm going to have to get you to come in from the administration office-"
The man banged his head against the window again, cracking it more.
"Sir, stop!"

"Taylor, what the hell is happening?" I asked, my eyes welling with tears as I looked at him.
Taylor opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the shattering of glass.

The man lifted one of his feet to the window sill, then pulling himself into the room.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. This is very illegal-" the teacher was interrupted as the man growled.
He plunged himself onto the teacher, and the room filled with her screams.

"What the fuck!" Someone yelled, getting up to help the teacher.
They started trying to pull the man off of the teacher, but instead the man growled again and attacked the student.

The teacher suddenly twitches. She starts to get up off the ground, the sound of cracking bones filling the air.
Her saliva travels down from her mouth and hits her now blood-covered white blouse.
She turns her head to me, growling.
Everyone begins to run, their chairs squeaking against the floor.

The man begins attacking the people trying to escape, as do the people he had already attacked.
They were infected.

I don't know what, but they were infected by something.

Something that made them go savage.

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