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It was late, well early

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It was late, well early.

It was early, but Stassi was up. The sun was rising and the clock read four minutes after 6.

It was Monday and Stassi's thoughts drifted to the idea of school. She couldn't go today.

She felt terrible.

There was only one word Stassi could use to describe this feeling: heartbroken. She felt like she had misinterpreted everything. She, now, knew she was just a piece of ass to Noah. He actions had shown that he wanted nothing more than just sex from her.

Stassi knew Luna and her type. She knew the things Noah and Luna had done before she and him started whatever thing they had going on. She knew last night had to have been no different.

He had slept with her. Stassi was sure of that and that he had done it not caring about her feeling.

A tear fell into the crease of her writing journal. It snapped her out of her thoughts.

She looked over her paper at the words she had just written. In disgust, she snatched the page out and crumpled in up before chucking it to the floor.

It had been like that all night long. She had not gotten any sleep.

First because she felt so bad. And second because she'd been working on one of her many song all night long.

This new incident with Noah had sparked a passionate wave of anger and sadness that she had to document on pages.

Her hand moved across the paper creating the beginning of what could potentially be a strong verse. It was a verse about her and Noah's relationship, both what she hoped it could have been and what it was.

Threw away your love letters
I thought it'd make me feel better
I finally got you out my bed
But I still can't get you out my head, ooh

This was true. She wished she could forget about the summer that had passed. Her time with Noah all summer was amazing and during the summer she'd imagined what it would be like when the two started school again.

Naively, those imagined days had been full of love letters she'd find in her locker every morning and 'bathroom breaks' just to make out in the school hallways. She thought Noah would be spontaneous and loving when they were in school. Instead, she was met with an ugly denial that hurt both of them.

However, even though she had finally gotten him out of her bed, she still couldn't get him out of her head.

Bitterly chuckling, Stassi thought of what to write next. She thought of her stupid pride. The things she wouldn't dare to say to him if given the chance.

And I am too proud to beg
But I need you to know
That you don't know what love is

He had told her he loved her last night. Which, at another time, would have been a huge milestone for the two.

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