Never leave me alpha 5

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Chapter 5~~~~~

(Danny's Pov)

The only person I could have thought of to help me find out who drove my sister away would be the alpha. So I made my way to the pack house to speak to him.

It took me 5 min. To get there I knocked on the door with a loud 'KNOCK KNOCK' then he came to the door. " hello alpha I was wondering if you could help me with a situation that has accured?" I said while bowing my head in respect.

" what has happened that you need my assistance Daniel?" he asked

" Well my sister has run away because of the pain of her mate rejecting her, I was hoping that you would help me find out who it is." I said

" ok I will help you, I will call a pack meeting tonight at 8 pm and find out who this person is."

"thank you alpha"

" your welcome, but I don't know who would do such a horrible thing as to reject a mate" he said

And with that I left.

(Connors Pov)

(this morning)

I got up this morning having a weird feeling something was wrong but I pushed it to the back of my mind and took a cold shower to try to get graces beautiful, soft, amazing smelling wolf, WAIT A MINUTE I SHOULDN'T BE THINKING ABOUT HER I mentally scolded myself for thinking about her.

I was on my way to pick up Jasmine when I heard my phone buzz I opened it to see it was a message from Jasmine that said 'GUESS WHAT!?!?'

I replied 'WHAT IS IT'


'WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?' i replied already knowing who she was talking about


I was so mad I crushed the phone into tiny bits barely putting any forse on it so I stood up and started making huge holes in my wall not really caring what I broke I just needed something to take my anger out on. When I finally managed to calm down I got in my car and went to go pick up Jasmine.

Then I realized the reason that I still could date jasmine was because she was related to my mate. So when I finally arrived she got in my car and gave me a short make-out. But when I closed my eyes I saw Grace fall to the floor grabbing her heart. So I broke the kiss. And started driving to school.

( graces Pov )

(around time when connor went to pick up jasmine)

I got up this morning in my room(in blades house) it was mostly plain cause I'm not the decorating type. I got up and brushed my hair and teeth I was about to walk out when I felt like someone was stabing me in the heart with a million knives. Then I let out an ear piercing scream. And closed my eyes hoping the pain would go away when I saw Connor kissing my sister. Then opened my eyes to see blade starting to carry me out of my room when all of a sudden the pain just stopped.

"blade I'm ok everything is fine" I said trying not to sound hurt by the fact that my mate was kissing my sister.

"are u sure?" he asked in a worried voice.

"yes I'm fine thank you for trying to help me thou " I said he let me go and I ran to my room.

When I got there I looked in the mirror to see if there where any marks where I felt the pain but when I looked in the mirror I saw my hole body looking different. I was slim and had curves just in the right place and full pink lips .I looked gorgeous.

(Danny's Pov )

It was 7:30 pm and guests where starting to arrive at the pack house for the meeting. I went to go look for the alpha by following his scent that lead to his son connors room when I heard them talking about something.

" dad how was I supost to know that she would run away" Connor said.

"well what did you tell her" the alpha replied

" we'll I kinda.... Um..... Told her that she was a wimp and to ugly to be my mate and that I needed a strong alpha female to run the pack then she ran out crying" he said. It took all my strength not to run in there and rip his head of but I figured I would confront him at the meeting.

"we can't let anyone find out about...." I couldn't listen to this anymore so I walked away

Ten minutes later the meeting started "QUIET EVEYONE DANIEL BALLMEN WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO YOU ALL" he said with his alpha command

When I got up to the front of the stage I cleared my throat and began "some of you know my sister Grace" I said then continued " well she has run away because her mate has rejected her." I finished hearing gasps from all over the crowd.

Then someone raised there hand and asked " do u have any idea who I could be?"

"actually I think I have figured it out" I said while people muttered who they thought it would be then I continued " I was the alphas son Connor" I finished

There where horrified gasps and people saying that he should not become there alpha when I open my mouth to speak again when the alpha said "you are dismissed leave impedimently" he boomed in his alpha voice.

I just stayed frozen there knowing that something bad was about to happen to me. But no one said a word so I broke the silence "how could you reject ur mate and go for her sister" I asked wanting to know why he chose his mates sister and not his mate.

"um....because I need a strong alpha female to lead this pack not some wimp like her." he said his voice breaking at the end so I know he was lying.

"what is the real reason" I snapped


"SO U F*CKEN CHOSE POPULARITY OVER UR MATE AND HURT HER ENOUGH TO LEAVE CAUSE SHE COULDN'T STAY KNOWING THAT THE PERSON THAT WAS MADE TO LOVE HER AND PROTECT HER HURT HER THE MOST" I said storming of. I got into my car and drove home as fast as I could, almost breaking the steering wheel cause I was gripping it so hard.

I opened the front door and ran as fast as I could to my room and packed my things i was finished in less than 30 seconds then I went to get David so we could start looking for Grace.

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