Author's note

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This story is based on the Otome game, Dangerous Fellows. It's a game I think is really good. Like, extremely. 

The story is really good and I'm kind of in love with the main boys.

But anyway, I just wanted to warn you this story contains some mature themes. 

These themes include mild course language, mild sex themes (not "doing the do" but there might be a few touchy touchy scenes, like making out and stuff. Idk), gore (people dying, things like that), etc. 

That's it for now, I guess. 

If you're uncomfortable reading things like this, just don't read it. I just wanted to get that out of the way. 

There will be NO smut - 1, it makes me kind of uncomfortable writing the scenes and 2, the game isn't actually sexual at all and I want to stick to the game's story line as much as I can. I've made a few alterations to make the story more fun to write for me, and to read for you. A few changes can't hurt, can it?

Still no smut though, sorry to all you thirsty readers out there who want to get dicked down by Zion or Ethan. That's for another time ;)

jk I'm not writing smut. 

Anyway; seeing as I am in no way shape or form creative enough to create a cover (I'll work on one for now), iTs TiMe FoR a CoMpItItIoN!

Send a cover for 'End of the living' to me on my main Twitter account (@/namjoons_wp) and I'll use the best entry. If you want-

Thanks for coming to my TED talk, and enjoy the story!

End Of The Living // Dangerous FellowsWhere stories live. Discover now