Two Moons (2)

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Two Moons


I laughed out loud as one of my friends, Mia, turned to glare at me, water dripping down her body.

“Thou shalt pay for this,” she growled advancing on me. I squealed as I scrambled away from her, the sand making it hard for me to run. It didn’t help when Hanbio jumped in between and grabbed me. I struggled against him and then suddenly, his hand came sown and slapped my ass. I yelped.

“What was that for?”

He smirked. “Catch her!” he yelled, guffawing as Mia reached us. She took hold of me and pulled me towards the sea.

“No Mia!”

“Yes!” she yelled, dragging my protesting self to the water. “You shall get wet!” She screamed with triumph when she managed to push me. I fell in to the salty water, finding my feet on the bottom before surfacing.  

My eyes spotted Hanbio, still laughing. Eyes narrowing, I grabbed a fistful of sand and stalked over to him. Feet planted in front of him, I said, “You big meanie.”

He looked up with a wide grin, “I just couldn’t resist.” My heart thumped at the melting smile he gave me, as if telling me not to carry out my plan. I focused my thoughts on Kris’ ‘have fun’ and got courage.

“Payback,” I said, dropping the fistful of sand on his head. He yelped. I ran away before he could do anything.

“Zemnax!!!” he shouted. Laughing, I went back to the water and lazed around, glad that I came today. The trip so far was really good, and the weather was great. Only thing missing was Kris. Today I realized that whoever I was with, I seem to have less fun than when I was with Kris. There were many instances where I would have acted spontaneously on my thoughts, if he had only been here.

But I messaged him constantly about where and what we were doing to which he would reply accordingly and end with a ‘Get drunk’, ‘Seduce Hanbio’, or ‘Ask him out already’. And I was ready to do that. I decided to ask him out in the evening. Our plan for today was to leave for home after watching the sunset. And I thought of asking him after the sunset. It was Kris’ romantic beach after all. It wouldn’t be hard to find somewhere private.

But Hanbio himself had become confusing. At times he would just look at me, as if he was checking my out in my swimsuit, at other times he would ignore me. Times like that made me second guess my decision.

The only thing that was holding my to my decision was Kris’ threat after all. He took his promises as well as threats seriously. If I didn’t do something today, I’ll surely get some sort of punishment. He’ll try cutting my hair, like he did once, or maybe he’ll spam my facebook with Zembio fanfics? Who knows? That guy was pretty ruthless.

“Who are you texting to?” asked Hanbio while I told Kris that we were having lunch.

“Kris,” I replied, feeling slightly irritated for him prying into my business. Just slightly though. That is normal right?

“You two are close huh?”

“Yep,” I replied, pressing the send button. “Best friends.”

“Oh. I haven’t talked much with him though,” he said. “He seems stuck up.”

“Oh. I like him though,” I said vaguely. Hanbio and Kris never got along well as I remembered. They played for the school basketball team and Hanbio was forever disobeying Kris, who was the captain (with that height of course). I thought it was cute though. And the way Kris got mad at Hanbio was cute too.

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