Chapter 3- Dinner with the gang leader

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Xander's pov
" stop wait !" She shouted as I hear her footsteps pound against the floor as she rushes the door. Banging her small firsts on it.

Why did I get myself into this shit. I didn't need someone added to my list of problems. I sighed walking down the large hallway, down the stairs and heading for my office.

I got in and locked the door. Sitting down at my desk, I had to call in Sarah. Sarah was my housekeeper, looking after me for years now. She's been the only kind of " family " I've had since I was 7.

I picked up the phone and dialled her number. " Yes Xander ?" She asked politely. " Hey Sarah, I've got the girl. I just.. well I don't know how to deal with her Sarah, she's doing my head in with her questions and the screaming. " I replied letting out whine.

" How do you expect her to act Xander ? She's been taken from her life, she doesn't know what's going on" Sarah said.

" Just come over here and talk to her " and with that I ended the call. My finger tapping on my desk.

I had work to do.

Clara's pov

I sat at in the middle of the bed, playing with the frays on my ripped jeans. I couldn't call anyone, my bag was gone. Couldn't escape. I've tried every window and door in this room and nothing.

Suddenly the door opened and I sat up alert. A middle aged woman entered the room, her facial features were soft. Her blonde hair tied up into a neat bun sat perfectly at the crown of her head. Dressed in a smart uniform.

" Ah there you are my love. My name is Emma, I'll be attending to you" she said a small smile placed on her lips. " Attend to me ? What needs attending " I said. A light frown placed on my forehead.

" Now my dear, I understand you'll have some questions that will all be answered in time but for now, I must get you ready. I will show you to the bathroom where you can clean up and I shall leave fresh clothes on the bed for you when you return. You will meet with Mr King for dinner. " Emma said with a wave of her hand, signalling me to follow her to the bathroom.

I hopped off the bed following her across the large room. " Is Mr King the boy who kidnapped me ?" I said with a huff. " You haven't been kidnapped Clara, you have been taken here for your own safety" Emma said politely as I watched her in disagreement.

" Now take as long as you need. When you're finished I'll be waiting in your room for you." She said and she opened the bathroom door, by bathroom I mean the size of my apartment but still. I got in and shut the door.

Undressing, I walked over to the shower and turned it on. My muscles relaxed as the warm water soothed my skin. I washed my hair and body, then wrapped a towel around me. I walked over to the mirror taking in my appearance.

The worktop of the sink was neatly organised and contained makeup, toiletries and toothbrushes. This was no time for makeup, I wasn't planning on staying long, nor was I willing to try impress pretty boy.

I walked over the the door, walking out and into the bedroom. Emma was seated on the sofa. Flashing a smile as I walked in. " I left you some fresh clothes on the bed Clara" I would ask how she knew my name but it's obvious pretty boy told her.

" Thanks" I said quietly as she left the room. Drying myself off , I put my underwear back on changing into the fresh clothes. It was a pair of Greg leggings and a large t shirt, clearly a guys. I tied it into a knot at the front and towel dried my hair. I walked back into the bathroom and took a brush, detangling my hair.

I heard the bedroom door shut "Are you ready Clara? " Emma said.

I walked out into the bedroom and followed her. " Now Clara please make sure you're on your best behaviour, try not to ask too many questions because Mr King doesn't like questions. Unless he says that you can okay?" Emma said as we walked down a large hallway, followed by stairs.  " Best behaviour? Don't ask questions ? I'm sorry Emma but I'll be doing exactly that " I said as she shook her head.

What did she expect ?! Me to sit silently and enjoy dinner with my kidnapper. I think not. With that I followed her through the large house, and we approached two large doors. She pushed it open and I met eyes with Pretty boy.

" you took your time" he said. Looking up as her raised his brows. He was already eating, dressed a blue suit and white shirt.

 He was already eating, dressed a blue suit and white shirt

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"Sit " he ordered. As I slowly walked into the room. Emma shutting the doors behind us, leaving me with him. I was ready to sit as far away as possible before he butted in " I won't bite " he said as I looked up to see him smirking.

I made my way over as sat on the seat diagonal from him. Playing with the hem on the t shirt. His dark eyes bore into me and I struggled to keep mine the same.

" Ask away princess, I'll try my best " he said as my mouth parted ready to explode with questions dying for an answer. " what's your name " I said. Curiosity getting the best of me.

" Xander King " he said taking another bite of his food. I gasped. It couldn't be. "but.. but Xander King is the leader of the Dark kings" I said gulping. Why would Nate leave me with someone so dangerous ! Did he seriously not care about me ?

" yes love, that's me " Xander said. Looking rather pleased with himself. " Don't be worried, I told you I'm here to keep you safe and I'll keep my word love"

" Firstly I don't know who the fuck you think you are to take me and I'm not worried or scared of you at all! Where is Nate, nobody is answering why I am here, it's confusing. Why would my best friend allow the leader of a gang to keep me safe!" I shouted my first banging on the table.

Xander's eyes darkened as he leaned across the table. Face inches away from mine. " I don't take well to people shouting at me little one, especially not a guest in my home." He growled. Eyes fixed on mine.

I didn't say anything as he sat back on his chair, adjusting his suit. " now eat up" he said as I watched as chefs entered the room. Placing food down on the table.
Hey lovelies !
Well Xander's a lil harsh eh?
Hope you liked this chapter x

Xander king- Gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now