
16 2 3

Hullo everyone! Thank you so much for choosing to read this story! It really means a lot to me. I promise I'll try to do my best, and update as often as I can! If you have any suggestions, or constructive criticism, please feel free to tell me in the comments! I hope you enjoy!

(To clarify, in this story, instead of there only being two peoples, Monsters and Humans, there will be three. Monsters, Humans, and Hunters. If you have any questions or feel I need to clear anything up, please let me know!)

(Disclaimer: Undertale was created by Toby Fox. The only Characters I own will come in next chapter.)

Frisk's P.O.V

I stood on top of mount Ebbot for the second time in my life, looking out at the world around me. I had finally done it. I had broken the Barrier that had imprisoned Monsters for decades, and brought them back to the surface world. But, more importantly, I had found a family.

"FRISK!" I turned at the sound of my name, only to be crushed in a familiar embrace. "Papyrus!" I laughed. The tall skeleton spun me around, a wide smile stuck on his face, his cheek bones dusted orange from excitement. "ITS BEAUTIFUL!" He exclaimed, laughter in his words. "I ALWAYS DREAMED OF BEING FREE, OF SEEING THE BEAUTY OF THE SURFACE. BUT I NEVER COULD HAVE IMAGINED ANYTHING LIKE THIS!" He set me back on the ground and I laughed. "I think its better now that you're here Papy." I replied. His smile grew as he laughed, his eyes never ceasing their rapid movements as he tried to take in the world around him. Seeing him like this, so excited and filled with joy, it made me feel whole.
Behind us, the rest of our friends approached, having adjusted to their surroundings a bit. Toriel, the first monster I befriended and one I considered my mother figure, stopped just behind me, shifting her feet through the soft grass with a shocked expression. Asgore, King of Monsters and Toriel's ex-husband, was staring at a tree off to the right, unresponsive to the rest of us as he seemed to remember what it was like before they had been banished. Undyne and Alphys, my absolute favorite Monster couple, were busy picking nearby wildflowers and showing them off to each other. Until, of course, Undyne handed Alphys an entire bouquet and the poor girl nearly fainted. Sans, Papyrus's brother, simply sat on the ground, grinning as his brother danced around us, obviously enjoying himself.

The rest of our friends, like Mettaton and Napstablook, had stayed behind to make sure everyone else knew that the Barrier had been broken and to help make sure they got out safely. Mettaton had said that it was his 'duty as an idol', and asked poor Blooky to help, saying it was a 'perfect family bonding moment'.

Monsters spilled out of the mountain, running and flying around in unadulterated glee. They were happy to finally be free of their Underground prison, happy to finally see they sky. I felt a warm sensation, a feeling of peace, flow through me. I smiled again and closed my eyes as I tried to savor the moment. Of course, with my luck, that was a big mistake.

To my right, the mountain top seemed to explode. Sprays of dirt and rocks washed over everyone gathered on Ebbot as trees started to fall. The sky danced with blood red light, but only in that area. My stomach dropped as Monsters ran back into the mountain, leaving only Papyrus, Alphys, Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, and myself to face what was there. Toriel stood beside of me, her magic condensed into a ball of fire that sat in her right hand.

"My child," she said nervously. "What is that?" The others looked to me, expecting an answer. I shook my head, hoping that it wasn't what I suspected. Before us, the trees blew to the side, roots tearing up from the ground. The red aura had intensified.



Well that's it for this chapter! I'm very sorry if it seemed pressed or rushed. I have a few ideas for this story, and starting it has proved to be a challenge. I havent written in a while😅. Please let me know what you think, and feel free to critisise (constructively). Thank you so much!!

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