20 things about me!!!

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So I'm truant_Delilah_xx here...

since it is 20 things about me & I'm 20 now...let's start with my age...

i>   Being 20 does not help me to be mature...I'm still a teenager in my mind & heart...& my mind always floats in the clouds of adolescence....

ii>  truant_Delilah_xx is not my real name obviously ....the 'Delilah' of my name is inspired by the plainwhiteT's song "Hey there Delilah..."....

& though I'm not an escaper of school..I love to escape my studies..& that inspires to put the 'truant' in my username...n 'xx' is just like a sign......

& I love to be anonymous with weirdest names....my all internet names are unique & crazy & different from eacthother..from fb to twitter...from insta to email...none is my real name...

iii> I'm not  studious at all...but still I was kinda topper at school-days....

& now I took honours in Mathematics just to listen to music!!!

yuppp....you heared me right....just to listen to music...cuz Maths is the only subject to me I can practise while turning up the music..lol!!!

{ I can study other subjects too while listening to musics but my dear mother does not allow..:-( }

iv>  I had a strong liking to each & every subject except Chemistry....but somehow I've fallen for it too...:O:O

v> I'm a worshipper of  creativity....

vi>   I'm not a racist & I don't believe in barriers....I'm very broad minded...& I'm very proud of it...

vii> The beauty of someone mirrored the beauty of  that person's soul....& everyone in this world is beautifull....you have to possess the sight to find it....

viii> Without the basic needs I wont survive..since I love myself the most I love food, water , air , shelter the most....

ix> I love my parents, family & my friends & strangers also....:-)

x>  If the truth would make me reach my destinition I wont lie...but it would not..so I lie when needed..otherwise I dont lie...& I don't cheat..never...I'm 99.99% honest & loyal...

xi> whoever meets me praises my smile..someone called me ' the girl with the smiling face..'

thnx to God for giving me my mother's smile...

xii>  My daddy is my real life hero,a life-saver...I'm a worshipper of his strenth..touch wood...

xiv>  I got crashed by too many crushes( from reality & silver screen  both)to remember....

but the rate of getting crashed is decreased after ONE DIRECTION took a hold of my life...

xv> temporarily removed

xvi>  my life makes a W-turn when I fell for One Direction.....the five boys are the most beautiful thing ever happened to me....

If u have read my bio u alreafy know I worship liam as my God & worship Zayn with my bestie....

I'm a dedicated & devoted directioner...

when I'm in the verge of losing the meaning of my life....these five boys are the only people who bring my smile back....

xvii> LiamPayne is my something....more than everything....I don't know how to express my feelings for him...I don't know he is my love or not..but my feelings for him is more than just a fangirling love....& I can see my God in him...I can see my Lord Shiva in him...

~~he is the warmth of the morning sun....he is the splash of the fresh rainfall....his voice oh oohh...I can die to hear it...he is a magician who fixed my broken heart...he makes me wanna love my life once more.....~~

xviii>  My mind was 75% virgin till I was18...lol....internet & wattpad & 1D took the virginity of my mind...but heyy I'm still a virgin & my eyes are too...I wish I could break the virginity of both by little Liam...( or should I say big? )

{ if  you are too innocent to understand this just skip this point...}

xix>  Sooo I feel like to describe myself a little bit...

** My height is really short...a big disadvantage...but as long as I'm safe & sound I considered myself lucky...I'm proud of who I'm...thnx to God for creating me...

**  I'm outta fashion & outta make-up all the time...I really don't know how to be in fashion and how to wear make-up...I still can't do my hair with a style...I suck in all these things..:-(

** I'm  very calm & cool...

** I'm very shy in front of my family..but opposite & hyper in front of my friends & strangers...lol...

** I care, I get mad & I also nag but I don't hold grudge...never...

** I forgive people easily...

** I never ever quarrel...if I do then the next moment I'm on my knee  apologising hard ( not caring it was my fault or not...)...

** I've brown eyes..black hair...

** I'm generelly kind & sweet but life taught me to be rude when needed...

** People call me cute...even the younger ones pull my cheek often!!!

***** I love the nature & I try hard not to waste its resource & not to pollute...somebody say go green & then forgot...but I say & also practise it...

*** I can spend a whole day by day dreaming!!!

***  I'm claustrophobic....

***  I'm scared of reptiles also...

*** I forget everything..everything when I get a story....apart from reading stories I've other hobbies  too..like being in fb/twitter/insta/wattpad....writing poems...doodling....listening to musics...daydreaming......watching the afternoon sky...

*** I love swimming....cycling....too...

***  I  feel lucky for being a Bengalee....cuz my mother tounge Bengali is the soft(est) & sweetest language on earth ...I talk in this..I dream in this.. I love in this.......& our literature is one of the most enriched literature....I feel soooo lucky for having this treasure in my own mother tounge...and this is the one through which I see the world...through which I fall in love with other languages...with other literature ....this is the one which taught me to respect all nations all people all traditions..........the tradition, the literature, the legends of  Bengal are so precious....I can not imagine my life without being  a Bengalee...

xx>  though I told in my profile that I belong to the city of joy but with tears in my eyes...my many wattpad friends asked me where do I live...in case you don't know the city of joy refers to Kolkata....yeahh I belong from here...& where some people are home-sick...I'm kolkata-sick....today the city losts its previous glory..but my city is my city..no matter how much it changed in a worst way...I still love my kolkata..I simply can't live without kolkata...♥♥♥

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