Chapter Four

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Jordans POV:

I watched security let the first girl through, and she rushed up to Mikey. "Is this your first meetup type event?" Trevor asked, nudging me.

"Yeah," I laughed. "Is it that obvious?"

"Nahh," he smiled. "Just don't overthink it. Ask them their name or how they're doing, the line will move pretty quickly." He explained quietly.

By then the first girl had reached me.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked.

"Im good! Could we take a picture?" the girl asked.

We took a picture, then she was hurried along by security and I moved onto the next fan. These were a lot more rushed than I expected.

I repeated what I had done with the first girl, them glanced quickly over at Trevor. He noticed I was looking, and he shot me a quick thumbs up before saying hi to the girl I was just with.

This continued for about three or four hours, before they had to cut off the line. I felt bad that we didn't get to meet everyone, but I was so exhausted and I was glad I could just go and relax for a bit.

Security led us back into the room we had been in before, because if we just tried to leave we would possibly get mobbed.

I rushed over to the nearest couch, collapsing onto it. "Im so exhausted.." I sighed.

"I guess meet ups are more work than you thought?" Trevor laughed.

He sat down on the same couch I was laying on, picking my feet up and placing them on his lap, since I was taking up the entire couch.

Mikey and Luke sat across from us, and they looked as tired as I felt.

"Now what?" I asked. It was about six pm now, and I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my day.

"Well me and Luke have to do a panel in like an hour so we should probably go," Mikey explained, standing up. Luke did the same and they left the room, leaving me and Trevor.


"So what are you going to do after this?" Trevor asked, turning to look at me.

"I don't know really, I'll probably just go hang out in my hotel room."

Wow Jordan, way to sound like a total looser.

"Oh well if you aren't doing anything, than you should come hang out with me, Kian, Jc, and Lia. We were all going to get room service and just chill in Kian's room," Trevor offered.

"Yeah, I'd love to."

He nodded, standing up. "I told them I'd meet them after our meet and greet, so we should probably go." He reached out his hand and I told it, standing up.

He didn't let go of my hand as he lead me out a back door and around the side of the building. We had to take the long way to the entrance by around the back, so we didn't have to worry about people chasing after Trevor.

When we got near the front, he let go of my hand.

"There they are." he pointed to a few teenagers I hadn't even noticed before. They all had their hoods up, and it was dark so I couldn't really see their faces. I guess that was what they were going for.

We walked over to them, keeping our heads down. There weren't many people around, but all we needed was for one girl to start screaming and the rest would come running.

Once we reached the small group, they all looked up.

"Hey Trev," said a tall blonde girl, who I recognized to be Lia.

"Whos this you brought with you?" Non other than Jc Caylen asked.

"Hi, um I'm Jordan," I managed to say.

"She didn't have anything planned, so I thought she could tag along with us," Trevor explained.

"Ohh. Is this the same Jordan from your meetup thing that you wouldn't shut up about?" A tall blonde boy- who I recognized as Kian- asked.

I looked over at Trevor. He had been talking about me?" Even through the darkness, I saw his cheeks flush. He didnt reply, he just stood there awkwardly, half smiling and scratching the back of his neck.

"So, shall we go?" Jc asked, breaking the silence than had now fallen upon us.

We all nodded. Jc grabbed Lia's hand and started walking away, the rest of the group following behind them.

Jc lead us through the parking garage, till we reached a gray Jeep. He opened the doors, and we all climbed in. Jc and Lia sat in the front, and I sat between Trevor and Kian in back.

I sat quietly while everyone else discussed what they had done that day at Vidcon. I was actually really uncomfortable, I was sitting here surrounded by my idols and I wasn't what you would consider "outgoing."

I could see Trevor looking at me through the corner of my eye, so I turned to face him. He stared at me with with wide eyes, and I gave him a small smile.

"You okay?" He leaned over, whispering so only I could hear him.

"Yeah I'm okay," I whispered back.

He reassuringly rubbed just above my knee for a moment, before going on his phone. A few minutes later, the Jeep pulled to a stop.

"Were here!" Jc announced.


Yaaay update (:

Im actually supposed to be doing school work right now (im homeschooled) but oh well. Wattpad is still giving me problems with the whole letting me comment/vote thing, so sorry about that..

remember to vote and comment! Hope you guys liked the chapter :P

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