Chapter Nine

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The ride to the Convention Center was short, before I knew it Trevor was already pulling into a parking spot.

"Okay, this is where it's going to get difficult," Trevor explained.

I turned in my seat to face him. "What do you mean?"

"The second we get outside tons of people are going to mob us."

I nodded.

"So just try and walk fast and keep your head down. I'd love to stop and take pictures with them, but we're going to be late." He explained.

"Okay, lets go," I took a deep breath and we both got out of the car. Grabbing out bags, we started walking out.

Thankfully the parking lot was empty, but as soon as we got out and began walking towards the main stage girls started noticing. All it took was one scream, and we were surrounded by people. They were all holding their phones out, pushing and shoving us to try and get a picture.

I glanced at Trevor, who was starting to get pushed away from me. There were so many girls, I didn't even know where they came from.

I felt someone yank my arm and was about to push them off when I realized it was Trevor. He eyed me anxiously, before intertwining his fingers with mine. I squeezed his hand, not wanting to loose his grip.

We started to push our way through the crowd, when a handful of security guards stepped in.

They began to move people away, clearing a space for us to walk. One of the security guards was about to push me away when Trevor stopped them.

"She's with me," he explained. The man frowned, but went back to attempting to control the crowd.

We made our way backstage, when a middle age woman rushed up to us.

"Trevor, I'm gonna need you on stage in 10 minutes." The woman said, before turning around and walking away quickly.

"Someones in a hurry," I laughed.

"Well I'm going on stage in a second then, so you can just hang out wherever, this'll let you go anywhere." He explained, handing me a badge strung onto a thin chord.

I nodded, putting it around my neck.

"Good luck, you'll do amazing." I reassured him.

"Thanks," he smiled. "See you in a bit?"

"Yeah, I'll be here," I smiled at him. He walked off, leaving me alone.

I walked a round for a second, before making my way to the side of the stage. I could see the stage clearly, Lia was singing. I sat down, figuring I could stay here for the rest of the show.

Lia sang one more song, before I saw Trevor walk out. He was smiling.

"Hello Vidcon!" he called out, the crowd screaming in response.

I pulled my camera out of my bag, hoping I could film some more for my Vidcon video. I propped the camera on my knee so it was facing the stage, and turned it on.

Trevor started singing and dancing to Echo. I sang the words along with him and the rest of the crowd, I knew every word.

It was crazy to think that a few days ago I wasn't even expecting to meet Trevor, and now I'm sitting backstage watching my idol sing to a crowd of thousands of people.

He sang three or four songs before getting off stage, which I got a ton of awesome footage from as well.

I didn't bother to find him when he came backstage, he probably needed a few minutes to catch his breath.

I pulled out my phone, searching through twitter. Since yesterdays meet and greet, I had gained almost 5 thousand new followers.

Scrolling through my mentions, almost every tweet was about me and Trevor. I guess someone had gotten pictures of us holding hands together and were shipping us like crazy.

Too bad its not real, I thought.

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar Australian accent greeting the crowd.

My head snapped up to see none other than Troye Sivan.

He started singing Happy Little Pill and I was doing everything I could to not freak out. I had no idea that he was going on after Trevor.

I heard someone walk up behind me, startling me. I whipped my head around to see Trevor.

He had changed into a different outfit. He was wearing a white shirt with a grey pocket, tan shorts, and converse. He was holding two water bottles, and handed me one of them.

"Thanks," I said. "You did amazing!" I added, opening my water bottle.

"Thanks," he smiled. "You a fan of Troye?" He asked, nodding towards the stage.

"Yeah I'm a huge fan of his music and his videos." I explained.

"You should come to this party tonight then, Vidcon's hosting it for all of the 'bigger' youtubers, including Troye, so you could probably meet him," He offered, putting air quotes around the word bigger.

"I would love to, but I'm not that big on youtube so I don't think I'd be able to get in."

Trevor rolled his eyes. "Just meet up with me before! I'm on the guest list so you'll be able to get in for sure with me."

"Oh okay," I smiled.

"So you up for it?" He asked.


Take a Picture - Trevor MoranWhere stories live. Discover now