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Lyra's pov:

The end of the year has just come, everyone are holding their bags, all of their things, as we all walk out of school. I hold my stuff close to me, walking out with Draco by my side, with Goyle, Crabbe, Blaise and Pansy. I've just finished my fourth year. It felt like yesterday I had only started my first year here. Over the years, I've grown taller, matured, and so has my body. This has caught many eyes, making Draco all protective. It's amusing really. We attended the Yule ball last year, as Hogwarts held the Triwizard Tournament then. Theo Nott, invited me as his date. Unfortunately, Draco kept an eye on us the entire night, which made his date, Pansy annoyed. She left him halfway through and got with a guy from Durmstrang.

But, over the years, father has become more angry and agitated. I remember, the last time I saw him, was at Christmas. Draco and I went home, and whilst at home, father didn't care what I had to say. He completely ignored me. I was hurt, but I couldn't let it show. No one knew how I felt. Well, Draco knew of course, and he did often get protective. But then father would yell at him, for interfering in something that isn't his business.

Honestly speaking, I am nervous to go back home for the summer. Draco knows how I feel, and he had said that he would stick up for me. I appreciate that, but I don't want Father to get mad at Draco. So I told him not to bother, not that he would listen to me anyways.

We all walked to the train, going to get our compartment. Once we sat in there, everyone was laughing and joking around. Crabbe and Goyle had a little competition of who could fit the most Jelly slugs in their mouths. It was amusing to watch, but it was rather gross to watch Goyle spit it all out, whilst Crabbe almost choked, trying to swallow it all. Draco chuckled at his stupid friends.

Blaise started to joke around, teasing Pansy, making comments about her, making us all snigger. Pansy got really annoyed and stormed out, making Blaise crack up. The ride back was rather fun. Jokes here and there, talking about people- mostly Potter and Weasley.

When the train got to King's Cross, everyone trampled out of the train, getting onto the platform. Once I pushed some first years out the way, giving the evil infamous Malfoy look, I immediately looked around for Mother and father, however, I only spotted mother. This became a usual thing. He never showed. He claimed to always be stuck in meetings, but he never told us who with, and mother would alway look down and sigh. This often made Draco and I very curious, but we never asked.

As I walked closer to mum, with Draco following behind, I could see how tired and exhausted she looked. Doesn't she get enough sleep? Whats happened to her? Why does she look so depressed? Those thoughts vanished, when she bought me in the tightest hug I've ever received from her. I hugged her back, gently. Draco stood on the side, as he didn't want to be seen as a softie. He declared that he needed to keep his 'tough' reputation.

We soon enough apparated home, walking into the manor, seeing more people than usual. Some of them looked sinister, looking at Draco. I glanced at him and he seemed to be confused as to why they were here and why they were staring at him. He got annoyed, and snapped at them. "The bloody hell are you looking at? Honestly.." He said and went up to his room, taking his stuff with him.

I glanced at mum, my eyebrows furrowed, "Whats going on..?" I asked softly, as she avoided my eyes.

"Nothing dear. Why don't you go and unpack? I'll call you when its dinner" She said and walked off.

I frowned softly, walking up the stairs to my room, dragging my stuff behind me. I got to my room and dumped my stuff, starting to unpack. This would take a while...

Finally, it took a while, but i've finally finished unpacking! Usually the house elves do the work, but I felt nice today. I decided to strip, and have a shower, in my ensuite. I turned on the water, and stepped inside, feeling the hot water dance on my skin. It felt good to shower in hot water. Hogwarts showers are appalling. I started to wash my hair, rubbing in expensive soap that mother bought me. It smells very nice and it leaves my hair smooth and soft.

I started to wash the soap out thoroughly, making sure I got everything out. I didn't want to leave anything in. I then moved onto my body, spreading the soap everywhere, to make my skin clean. When I rinsed off the soap, I watched as it fell away with the water, going down the drain. I have no clue why, but I found it fascinating. I always have.

I stepped out, turning off the water, grabbing one of the white fluffy towels,embroidered with a green 'M' on the bottom. I dried my hair, and my body, wrapping it around myself, walking into my room. I opened my my chest of draws, looking through. I found a nice green knitted jumper. I pulled out a black skirt, which went just above my knee. I put on my outfit, and went to do my hair. I decided to leave out, so it could dry naturally.

I walked out of my room, knocking straight into a tall person. I looked up and saw Draco, "Oh, hello brother. Why are there so many people here..?" I asked, rolling my sleeves up to my elbows. Draco sighed, as he looked around at the strangers, waltzing around our home. "I have no clue,Lyra. I asked mother, but she said she would tell me later" He said, running a hand through his hair, "Once I know, I'll tell you. " He said and continued to walk along.

I sighed and went downstairs to mum, who were talking quietly to people. But when she spotted me, she hushed them, and they all looked at me too. They all went their separate ways, mum giving me a tight smile. "Whats wrong, darling?" She asked me.

"Im confused, why are there so many strangers are here-" I replied but got cut off my my mother.

"I told you that it was nothing. And why didn't you stay in your room? I said I'll tell you when dinner is ready" She said, looking around.

"Well, I've finished unpacking.." I trailed off.

"Well, go and take a shower"

"Already done that"

Mum sighed and rubbed her temples, "Please go back to you room"

"But why? What are you hiding?" I asked, looking at her.

"Merlin! Child go back to you room!" She snapped. I didn't move, I just stood there and looked at her. "Now!"

This made me move. I quickly went to my room and slammed my door. What is happening here? 

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