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Harry decided it was a good idea to go to Godric's hollow. Obviously Hermione and myself thought otherwise, but it probably was a good idea. There has to be another Horcux there, and we need to destroy it. We packed up our things yet again from our charmed area, and apparetd to Godric's Hollow.

It's cold and it's snowing, the snowflakes falling from the black night sky, and landing in my hair.

"Hey guys, I think it's Christmas Eve" I said gently, holding onto Hermione's arm. She smiled gently, "I can't believe it's been this long already..." she sighed gently as we slowly walked along, looking behind us. I'm scared they'll find us. What would happen to me if people found out I was with Harry Potter? I doubt that I would get out of it unharmed.

"Do you think my parents are here...?" Harry asked in a soft voice, looking at a graveyard. I glanced at Hermione, who pursed her lips gently and walked towards him. "Of course, I think they're here" She said, and we all walked in.

Searching for the gravestone with Harry's parents names on, I looked at all the gravestones. One gravestone was blank. So I knelt down to rub some snow off, to see if it was covered. As soon as I touched it, images flooded my mind. There was blood everywhere, Draco by my side crying and screaming out my name. It went black. His screaming echoed in my head. It ended just as quickly as it started. I pulled back my hand from the gravestone, and fell back, gasping for air. Hermione quickly came over and knelt down beside me, "Lyra, what happened?" She asked, helping me sit up.

"That blank stone, I touched it and I saw horrible images. There was blood, and Draco was there. He was crying and screaming. Hermione, what if this means he's hurt or he's dying?" I asked, tears in my eyes.

She frowned and looked at the stone, "Blank you said?" She asked and wiped some more snow away. "Lyra it isn't blank. It has somebody's name on. They died 4 years ago.." She trailed off. I was about to open my mouth but Harry called our names. Hermione stood up and helped me up, and we both went over to Harry. And there was his parent's grave. Hermione cast a charm, which made flowers appear at their grave. They were beautiful and it was something his parents deserved. The longer I had been with Harry and Hermione, the more that I came to understand that there is no reason to follow Voldemort, or be on the dark side. There is no reason for innocent witches, wizards and muggles to be harmed. But I couldn't bring myself to say it aloud. It's something I had grown up with, learning to only speak bad about those who are different, like Hermione. Families like the Weasley's who really are good hearted people and people like Harry Potter.

"Harry... there's someone staring at us..over at the church" Hermione whispered. Harry carefully looked over, "I know her. She knew Dumbledore" He replied. We had ended up following her, although it made both Hermione and myself uncomfortable.

We eventually followed her, and she let us into her home. Harry spoke to her, but I wasn't listening. My mind drifted back to those awful images that flooded my head. What if it was a sign? A sign that Draco is hurt? Or he's going to die? I really hoped that I would find him. I can't keep going for much longer if I don't know how he's doing. And that's when I heard it. A snake. I rushed to find Harry and Hermione, but found a big snake in front of them. I pulled out my wand and casted a spell, but it did nothing as the snake swiftly moved out of the way. Hermione tried but it rebounded. The floor snapped and the snake went down with it. I quickly, but carefully made my way to Harry and Hermione, and we apparated out of that place.

I quickly set up the tent whilst Hermione set the charms around our area. As soon as I finished the tent, I took Harry's unconscious body inside and put him in his bed so he could be warm. Hermione came inside and checked him over.

"He'll be okay" She said gently and went outside. Presumably to keep watch, but I decided to follow her. I sat next to her and sighed. "Hows your wand?" I asked, since the spell rebounded. Hermione sighed, "I didn't use mine, I used Harry's. It's broken, but I may know a few spells to fix it." She said. She sat there for a good hour trying to fix it, but I stopped her. "Hermione... I don't think there's much left you can do..." I said. Hermione sighed and hid it behind her and sat back.

I bit my lip and looked at the snow on the trees. I wonder if Draco's okay. I hope to Merlin that he's not hurt, or worse, dead. I hope I see him soon.

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