19 years later

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Draco's POV:

I was walking alongside my wife, Astoria, to Platform 9 3/4. We were taking our son, Scorpius to the train today. It was his first year. Astoria held his hand, and his cage with his owl in. I was pulling his trunk and held the hand of our 8 year old daughter, Lyra. She had my eyes, and her mother's dark hair. She really reminded me of my sister. Scorpius on the other hand, looked like the spitting image of me.

After I sorted out his trunk and cage on the train, I walked towards my son. "How are you feeling, buddy?" I asked him as he nervously looked up at me. "Nervous" He replied.

I chuckled gently, "I can remember feeling the same way-"

"No dad, |I'm nervous because I want to get into Slytherin. To make you proud and auntie Lyra" Scorpius said. I told them both about my sister, and how brave she was during the war. She is very well known about, and is taught about at Hogwarts in History of Magic when they cover the topic of the Battle of Hogwarts. Potter told me, when his eldest son James couldn't stop talking about how they learnt about Lyra. It made me smile.

I looked at my son, "You will get into Slytherin. And don't worry if you don't. I'll be happy, as will your mother"

"What about Auntie Lyra?"

"She'll be happy no matter what"

Scorpius smiled and nodded, "Oh, I have to go" He said and hugged us quickly, running onto the train, and already speaking to Albus Potter.

Just as were were heading out, something caught my eyes. "You go on" I said to my wife, who held our daughter. "I'll be home later"

Astoria nodded gently and smiled, she knew it would be hard for me today.

I turned around, my eyebrows furrowing. I thought I just saw-

My eyes widened. By now, the station was empty. But it was me and her.

"Lyra?" I asked. It was my sister, still the 15 year old she died as.

She smiled at me then, "Hello Draco"

I was in disbelief. Was this actually happening?

She smiled and walked over, only then did I notice she was in her Hogwarts uniform. Her green tie and robes. "I had to come here today to see my nephew on his first train ride to Hogwarts. I wouldn't miss that"

I nodded gently, "He spoke about you" I said gently.

She smiled and nodded, "I know" She said. "You're a great father Draco. Better than our father ever was" She said with a smile.

I nodded gently, "How do you know?"

She came closer, and smiled. "I've been watching over you and your family. I'm glad to see you married Astoria. She's a lovely person"

I nodded again, looking at her in her uniform. It made me tear up slightly.

"Don't cry Draco. You're doing great" She said and smiled.

"If you ever need me, you just need to ask for me" She continued, and then went to walk away.

"Wait, Lyra" I said and walked after her.

She stopped and turned, "Yes?"

"How come you never showed up before now?"

"You never asked me to""

I nodded gently, and thought about what it was like where she was. Almost, as if she could read my mind, she answered it.

"Don't worry about me Draco. I spend most of my time with Fred Weasley. He's a very nice guy. I regret turning him down at the Yule Ball that one time. I like him." She said in a sheepish tone, with a large smile over her face, which lead me to believe that, as ghosts, they had found love, keeping each other company. " I also spend some time with Harry Potter's parents, Professor Lupin and Sirius Black who we misjudged badly " She admitted.

"I'll be back here again in 3 years to see Lyra on her first train ride" She said after a couple minutes of silence. I was just starstruck. I didn't think I'd being seeing my sister as her 15 year old self. 

I nodded gently again.

"You're nervous; why ?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"I'm just nervous about Scorpius. That's all" I said honestly.

She smiled. "He'll be fine. I'll be watching over him. If it gets into Slytherin, I'll knock 3 times on your front door this evening" She said and walked off. I watched her walk further into the distance, disappearing.

Later that evening, there were 3 knocks on my front door. I got up and went to answer it. No one was there. But then I remembered what Lyra said and smiled. My son got sorted into Slytherin.

We soon got an owl from Scorpius to say he got sorted into Slytherin with Albus Potter, which surprised me a little. But I'm glad he already has a friend.

I felt better, knowing that my sister was watching over him, and us. And that was the beauté about my sister.

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