the little dinosaur pt.1

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there was once a little dinosaur who lived with its family of 5. The little dinosaur was scared of everything so one night his father woke him up and took him to a huge field where there was a lot of fireflies and when the dinosaurs walked over them they would fly up in the air and their bobs would light up green and his dad was talking to him about stuff and then the next morning the dad and the little dinosaur went on a walk next to the river so they could follow it back to their house and so they wouldn't get lost and then a little bit later into their walk it started to rain really hard and the dad and the little dinosaur heard a loud noise coming from behind them when the little dinosaur and the dad looked behind them and it was raining so hard it was flooding the river and it was coming at them very fast so the dad picked up the little dinosaur by his neck and lifted him up onto the highest rock he could then when the dad tried to get up on the rock with the little dinosaur and the rocks were so slippery from the rain and the dad slipped and then he got back up and tried again but he didn't make it up with the little dinosaur and the river hit him and swept him away so the little dinosaur climbed to higher grounds while the flood passed as he cried when he got home his family ran to him saying are you ok and then they noticed that the dad wasn't there and so they asked the little dinosaur where the dad was and he had to tell them that he got swept away by the flood the next couple of years the whole family cried and prayed that one day they would see him again and in the next couple of years the little dinosaur and his brother and his sister and his mom had to plow,water and harvest the fields the sister had to plow the field with her nose and head the oldest brother took a big drink of water from the river and then spit it out clear over the field 3 times a day to make sure the field was watered and the little dinosaur and mother both had to pick the corn out of the ground and put it on their backs and carry it clear to the silo and then put it into the silo and after one whole year of doing that the dinosaurs had to do a big task and then they got to put their paw print onto the silo.

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