1.) Schools Out

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You march out of the last class of the day with a smile on your face.
Finally it's summer!
You head towards the entrance of the school.
The sun beams down on your face as you head over to get your bike. Suddenly, something hits you in the face. You pick up the kippah and look around. You see Henry and his goons bullying some kids.
Thank god I've always been nice to him, or I'd be dead.
(You've always been nice of Henry so he considers you a friend, or well someone not to bully.)
You walk up to them and stand in front of Henry.
"Hey um-" you start.
"Move y/n." Henry says.
"Can you stop bullying them? It's the last day of school just let everyone enjoy it." You say.
"And why would I do that?" He says crossing his arms and smirking.
"Well, you wouldn't want daddy to get angry, would you?" You say sarcastically looking over to where Henry's dad is.
Officer Bowers was watching him.
"Oh, um thanks y/n." Henry said embarrassed.
He hops into the car with his friends.
"See you around?" Henry asked.
"Maybe, don't let me find you in trouble!" You say.
"Me? Trouble?" Henry says playfully with a wicked laugh before speeding away.
You turn around to the group of boys that Henry was bullying. They were watching the whole thing.
"How did you-?" The one boy said.
"What?" You ask confused.
"Nobody talks to Henry that way. How could you?" Another boy asks.
"Well, I guess he just likes me." You say.
"Thank y-you for standing u-up for us. I'm B-Bill." Bill Denbrough said sticking his hand out.
"Y/n." You say smiling and shaking his hand.
"Woweee, you are one hottie. I'm Richie." Riche Tozier said walking up to you.
"I'm Eddie." Eddie Kaspbrak said waving.
"And th-that's Stanley o-ov-ver there. He's  l-looking for his Jewish ha-hat thing." Bill said.
"Oh!" You say pulling the kippah out of your pocket from before.
"Is this it?" You ask.
"Stanley!" Eddie calls.
The boy you assume is Stanley comes over.
Ok wow.
The boy puts a smile on his face when you hand him his kippah.
"Thank you so much." He said quietly.
"No problem." You say smiling.
"Nice meeting you." Eddie said.
"See you around!" You say getting on your bike and riding home.
You had a great life. You had a happy family, a roof over your head, food to eat, and more money than you could spend. Everything was the same around the house until tragedy struck. Your grandma (name) died. You had never dealt with death before and you took it ver hardly. You never wanted to lose anyone again. Nowadays, it's just quiet.
You parked your bike outside and entered your house. You went up to your room and grabbed your drawing pad.
"Mom, can I go down to the creek?" You ask in the living room.
"Fine, Whatever. Be safe." She says.
"Ok, love you." You say getting your backpack and heading out of the house.
You ride down to the creek, or well "the barrens" they call it in Derry.
You find a nice place to sit by the water and some flowers. You start to draw the scenery around you.
I love summer.

Lovestruck Kids // Stanley Uris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now