The Flight

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I'm packing my bag. I'm getting ready for the biggest adventure of my life. I'm so Nervous that my hands are shaking, even though I know that I won't even be up there until Monday. It's Friday. I take a deep breath. Everything will be fine, I tell myself. Besides Mitch will be with me. As long as he's there I'll be okay.

"Y/N!" I hear Mitch call from another room.
"I'm in here!" I yell back. Within seconds he enters the room. He notices my shaking hands and holds them in his.
"It will be okay, I won't let you get hurt." He says.
"I'm just a little nervous." I say. I sit down on the bed and he sits next to me.
"I know, but trust me, everything will be fine, I'll be there with you" He says. I kiss him on the cheek and we stare in each others eyes for a bit. Then I stand up.
"Let's finish packing." I say.

The next day we arrive at the airport in Lansing Michigan. I'm getting more and more nervous the closer it gets to the climb. We are going to be climbing a 5 thousand foot Mountain covered in snow in January. The only equipment we will have is a rope and some mountain climbing gear. We will have a backpack on our backs with some soup in thermoses to keep it warm and the snow will serve as water. Of course we will have warm clothes too. When we get up to baggage claim I can feel my palms getting sweaty. I rub them on my jeans. We check our bags and enter the airport.

"You alright?" Mitch asks.
"Yeah I'm fine, still nervous." I respond. I grab his hand and we walk up to security. After we get through we find our gate and sit down.
"You know, I promise you that once you get up there and feel the nice mountain air you will love it. The first time I did it I was nervous too." He says.
"You? Nervous? Nooo way." I smirk and playfully punch him on the arm.
"As crazy as that sounds, yes I was super nervous." He smiles.

Later we get some snacks and pretty soon it's time to get on the plane. The plan is fly to Alaska, Get a hotel, stay for a day and then on Monday climb the mountain. Mitch said that when he climbed it in the past it took him a whole day to get to the top, rest and then climb back down. It makes me feel better that we will only be up there for a day. When we get on the plane, Mitch puts our bags above us. As he's putting them up there a guy shoves him from behind.

"Hey! What the Hell man!" Mitch says.
"Make some room up there." The man growls.
"Find a different space, sorry but there's no room up there." He says. The man takes Mitch's bag and throws it and replaces that spot with his bag. Mitch punches him and he falls the the ground.
"Mitch stop, stop, stop!" I yell. I get up and hold his fist back. The flight attendants eye us suspiciously. "Sit, Mitch, please." I say.
"Okay." He grabs his bag and shoves it under the seat in front of him then sits down. He glares at the man.
"Hey don't let it ruin our time." I say. I pat his arm.

Awhile later we arrive in Alaska.
"We're here!" I say!
"This will be fun!!" Mitch says. He smiles at me. I grab his hand and pull him towards the hotel.

(Find out what happens in the days leading up to the climb in the next part! Sorry that this is kind of slow going, this is my first story on Wattpad!)

The Mountain // Mitch Rapp [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now