Day 6

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As I lay in the corner staring at the darkness I remember Him. I remember how he could be such a sweetheart but other times a badass. I remember his warm hugs, his smile. God I love his smile. It could light up the whole planet. I hope he's okay.

I lay there. I hope Mitch moves on, wherever he is. I hope he doesn't think my death was his fault. My death. I know it's coming. I can't last much longer. He's obviously not coming. He would've been here a long time ago. I look at my hands. Two of my fingers are as black as coal. 

I put my head in my hands and cry. Not because I'm scared. Not because I know I'm dying but because of Mitch. Because of my family. My friends. I cry until my tears harden on my face and I have to pick them off before I can see. I love you Mitch.

I turn my head. That's when I see him. His back to me.

"Mitch!" I yell. He doesn't respond. He turns to face me. Stares at me. Smiles. Then he turns around, walks forward and disappears.

"No, Mitch Come back!" I scramble to my feet and run over to where he was just standing. I fall to the ground and let out sobs. 

I'm going crazy. 

Mitch's perspective

I sit up and Rub my head. 

"Hey you're awake." I hear a voice say. 

I look around and notice that I'm in a small cabin, on a couch. I see a woman sitting at a table. I'm all bandaged up. 

"So what's your name? I'm Elizabeth Lycan." (Follow @Elizabeth_Sanders_ )

"M-Mitch R-Rapp." I say shivering. I see there's a fireplace on. I sit on the floor and move closer to it. 

"Have some soup." Elizabeth says, handing me a bowl. I take it and eat a few spoonfuls before putting it down. 

"We have to rescue my girlfriend, S-she is stuck on a Mountain." 

"Ah, you're girlfriend, is that why you had blood all over you, her time? If you know what I mean." She laughs.

I look at her unimpressed and her laugh quickly dies. 

"We don't have time!" I say. I stand up. "Do you have a car?" 

"Oh I've been trapped here for days, too much snow. My car won't start. The shop that you fell into is mine. It's just down the street." 

"Do you have a phone?" 

"In my past life there were no phones." She mumbles.

"Um excuse me?" 

"Oh yes, here." She hands me her cell and I call 9/11. They tell me that they will send a rescue team but I say I need to come with. They try to pursuade me not to but I have to. They tell me that if I want to come with I have to travel to the next town. Which wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't a blizzard making it a ten plus hour trip. 

I hang up. 

"Here's some fresh clothes for your journey." She hands me clothes. 

"How did you hear my call?" I ask. 

"I have hearing like an owl, who." She mumbles.

What a psyco, I think to myself. I go into the bathroom, change then head outside. I call a helicopter  

I thank Elizabeth for her help. She laughs super weirdly but then smiles. 

I get onto the helicopter and we begin the journey to the rescue team.

The Mountain // Mitch Rapp [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now