Chapter 1 to 10

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1 #thethommisterstory

It wasa foggy Thursday afternoon in the End of November. Despite theofficial terror warnings in Vienna, Thomas and his friends Manuel andBenni were going to the Vienna "Christkindl"-Market (it's thebiggest x-mas market in Vienna I think?) just for escaping stress inschool. "Boah! School really s*cks! I mean, is there any daywithout a test to do?" was Benni complaining loudly, soeverybody there in the train could hear it! Thomas and Manuel weresitting in one row, Benni was sitting opposite them, but next to thewindow like Thomas. "Yes! You're right! School s*cks! I mean- wedon't learn anything usefull later for live, do we? I mean... like" was Thomas also complaining, "No! You learn fortests and for your Matura- that's all!" Manuel added sarcastic,but the 3 guys knew that the couldn't reform an establishededucation system on their own, "Hey,but...take it easy man- tomorrow is open day! So... Let'shave fun then? I mean?" said Manuel. Each of them had differendtasks to do tomorrow on open-day: Benni and Manuel run theGlühwein-hut with other guys from class. Thomas, instead, wasresponsible for taking 13- 14 year old kids with their parents aroundin the school building and convincing them for signing up for thisschool... "F*ck yeah! That will be f*cking awesome tomorrow! We'regonna be drunk tomorrow!" Benni chuckled proudly. "Can you giveme one Glühwein for free?" Thomas asked sarcastic. "Well! I dowhat I can!" Manuel announced. "But the teachers, they are allstupid and paranoid! I mean, what's the matter if you drink aGlühwein in your class? I mean, its open day? Okay?"

2 #thethommisterstory

"NoAlcohol! It's not allowed! If we catch you, then you will bereported to the f*cking principal!" was Benni mocking a teacher whoonce said this to his class... Thomas got a bit angry whenconsidering this- Manuel and Benni totally agreed with him... "ButI can't drink much! I mean, I show people around the school!"considered Thomas, "Later! ... after the show! Okay?"he said, "You know, for the school- image, I mean, would you, as aparent, send your child to school where people drink during lessonsand/or are drunk the whole time?" they three chuckled... A bitlater, the discussion Thomas had with his parents before leaving forthe train came into his mind again: "Are you insane? You can't goat the Christkindl-Market! Do you wanna die?" his mother shouted athim cynical. "Come on..." Thomas get very upset and annoyed whenhis parents confronted him with that! "You should avoid huge crowdsof people! And do you really think that... that I never ever go outanymore because of a few f*cking terrorists? They all can go and f*ckthemselves!" "Ehm? Thomas?" his father shouted at him, "Comeback to reality! If you just move a finger in front of them, theywill give you lead! " "Ihaven't born a son into that world in order to get shot by...""Stop appealing into my conscience!" Thomas then shouted at her,"That's so annoying! I hate it! Stop it!" "But there arestill lots of criminals in Vienna, you probably get robbed" his mumcontinued with that, "I'm really glad that I am not working inVienna, anymore-so I can avoid this danger!" she told Thomasproudly. " Aaargh! If you would be in Vienna more often, then youwould find out, that it is not as bad as it is said to be!"

3 #thethommisterstory

Whileyou were reading Thomas memories, the 3 boys changed atWien Praterstern to the undegroud line U2 in direction to"Karlsplatz" Then they had to go until "Rathaus" Station,form there the Christkindl-market was only a few 100 meters away!When they took the escalator for going up, nobody of them hadactually a plan where to go, so they asked an old man, who wasstanding there, for the way- "It is over there... onlythis way!"the man said with very german accent and pointed withthis fingers in the direction, while eating a Langos, which heprobably had bought on the x-mas market... On the way to the market,Thomas was going a bit slower and was behind Manuel and Benni. "Let'ssee if we get blown up or shoot today?" was Benni joking aroundabout the terror warning. "Hey! Be glad that it didn't happenedbefore!" so Manuel. Thomas couldn't stop thinking about thediscussion with this parents about the terror warning. Thomas lookedaround him- it was already getting' dark- and suddenly his eyesrecognized a young girl sitting on a threshold holding up a cup withher black textile gloves-he suddenly stopped walking andstarred at her- within seconds he tried to figure out herage, she seems to be about 20, according to her face. She was sittingthere on the cold threshold, holding up a cup for the cash and waswearing a green winter jacket with a fur outlined hood on it. He sawher long blond/brunette hair, they both where now face to face- butboth quickly felt ashamed of themselves: Thomas, because he wasstaring at her, while she felt totally uncomfortable withthat,furthermore she seemed to feel uncomfortable with her wholelife-situation... i mean, come on, she was begging for money!

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