Chapter 11 to 19

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"Well..."said Vanessa, "I think that this one Glühwein is for me...""Okay..." Manuel still had his surprised face, "Here you are,but be careful! It's hot!" "What's your name?" Manuelasked, also Benni wanted to know, "Okay, guys, that's Vanessa!"said Thomas and introduced her to his friends: "Hi!" she greetedthem and smiled happily! "But how is that possible?" was Bennistill wondering, "I mean... Thomas?" Benni turned his head tohim, "Tell me? How did you do that? You had been away for about 15minutes and suddenly you are coming back with a girl we don'tknow?" "Didyou Vanessa impressed him or what?" said Manuel in a chuckling way... "Well... ehm... I am... I am... I am Thomas cousin" she toldthem "What? Really?" Benni was very surprised about that, "Yep!I am his cousin!" she added, although she was hoping that nobody ofthem would notice this was just show... "Well...I think is time tosay #prost or #cheers now?" Thomas suggested and so they chinkedtheir ceramic cups of Glühwein, "Prost! Cheers!" they said toeach other and the boys took a huge gulp of it and immediately burnedtheir tongue- "Boah! F*ck!" they screamed, "This is f*ckinghot!" "Boah! Oh my god!" "Au! Sh*t! Au-sh*t that hurts!"Vanessa just felt smarter than the 3 boys, cause she knew that theGlühwein was hot and drank it very slowly- step by step, althoughshe felt very thirsty (even dehydrated) cause she didn't drink muchduring the day...Vanessaput her ceramic cup in her hands- around her fingers in order to warmthem up "Oh...that's great!" she moaned, cause the cup reallywarmed her cold fingers up... "What? Oida? That Glühwein ishotter than hell!" screamed Manuel to Vanessa hysterically.

12 #thethommisterstory

"Hey?Wait... wait a minute... was this your plan to meet your cousin, sothat we all see can see us?" was Benni asking Thomas, Vanessaturned her head to Thomas, she didn't know what she should say, butthen she "explained" them: "Haha! Well...I think it was quitecoincidence, I mean...""Haha!So, do you believe in coincidence?" Benni asked her and chuckled, ,"Another question!" so Manuel: "How old are you? And do youhave a boyfriend?" Manuel's question came straight out of hismind. Vanessasurprisingly twisted her eyes and eyebrow, "Hey! You will never getmy cosine! Not you!" Thomas shouted, however he was just joking,"Well... I actually have no boyfriend and I am getting 18 in a fewdays!" she said, "Hey? Cool, that mean we are nearly in the sameage! We are aged 18/19" said Benni, "I celebrated my birthday 2weeks ago- with them!" Thomas explained her, "Haha yeah! That wasquite great, but when does Nathalie celebrate her birthday?" askedBenni his friend Thomas,"Iactually have no plan- I think around 8thof December, but I actually don't care and don't go her party,because..." made Thomas clear, "Who's Nathalie?" Vanessaasked curiously and suddenly Manuel and Benni looked confused at her- "Ehm? His twin sister?" "What? You have a sister too?" wasVanessa asking surprisingly. Manuel and Benni started laughing andthey couldn't get rid of it, "Oida! You are Thomas' cousin-youshould know that he has a twin-sister! Or are you already drunk? Toomuch Glühwein, ha? Haha!" Vanessa immediately recognized hermistake and got a bit nervous too. "Sh*t" she thought, Thomas gotnervous too...

post13 #thethommisterstory

"Boah!Girl! What hack are y' doing?" he nearly screamed this out loud,however it was also his fault- he didn't tell Vanessa about hissister Nathalie, however he would never expected, that they came totalk about Nathalie... "Soo... how often do you see Thomas andNathalie?" Manuel asked Vanessa. "Well...not...not very often-not much! I mean...we haven't seen each other for a very longtime!" "Yeah! That's true!" so Thomas, "We haven't seeneach other for years!" "Yeah! For years..." repeated Vanessa,"Maybe on Christmas, but yeah...!" so Thomas... "Butwhy wasn't your sister celebrating birthday with us two weeks ago?"wanted Benni to know from Thomas, but Thomas usually got upset, whenconsidering his twin sister Nathalie and you will find out ,why, afew posts later! "What should I say? She doesn't get it, thatwe'll have much to do for school around these days! But she actslike she's the most perfect girl and most important person in theworld- I f*cking hate her!" Thomas shouted out loud like crazy,"She is f*cking stupid- okay?" Benniand Manuel felt amused when they hear Thomas complaining aboutNathalie, "Haha! Yeah! We know!" "But what is she doing all daylong? I mean...she doesn't go to school, does she?" "Yeah...that'sthe point..." Thomas said/explained annoyed, "The whole day she'ssitting at home and does exactly nothing, well sometimes she needs togo to the G3 Shopping Resort...but wow! She's quite...I...I...Idon't like her! Okay?" "I'vemade her the deal that we could celebrate our birthday together, youknow, with my friends and so on and she with her friends- alltogether, but she didn't want to! So, and now she wants us to comeat her party on 8thof December..."

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