New Place (Steampunk AU)

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Bored is what you call this...
-Enggineer(?? I think) Tord
-Buisnessman Tom
-Paperboy (I don't know much about the AU) Edd
-Bank Teller Matt
-Enggineer Helper (Still can't blame me for not having a lot of knowledge) Paul
-Other Buisnessman Patryk.

#Tord's POV#
It was a normal day for me this morning. Get up and open the work shop and have a few customers come in and have me or Paul fix it. Paul worked the front desk as I was in the basment working on my giant robot. Paul comes in with a tired look on his face, I greet him, "Good morning Paul get much sleep last night??" I was getting the cash out of the cash register and giving him his salary "No my neighbor keep me up all nigh.." He was pissed and tired at the same time "Well don't sleep on the job anymore I already have enough stuff to deal with" I walked down to the basment and I usally lock the door but today I didn't. A few hours pass and I was covered in sweat, oil stains, and stuff. It was closing time so I walk back up stairs and let Paul go home and to get some sleep. I stayed there for a few more hours and closed the shop. I turn my back and lite my pipe until I hear the store bell go off.


"Hey buddy shops closed for the day" I was already tired I didn't need some one to come by with the big problem today. "I just need to talk to the Enggineer of the town" I voice says behind me. I turn around to see a tall man in a suit, top hat, and a briefcase in his hand. He had black eyes, and pale skin I couldn't get I good look at his hair. "I'm him what do ya need fella?" I look him in his eyes and give him a glare. He takes off his hat to where he shows his spiked up hair. He sat his hat on the counter and his briefcase beside it. "I'm here to ask you of a trade" He says popping the little things on his case. "What kind of trade??" I sit down the stuff that I'm working on. "Well you see there's thi-" I cut him off by holering at him "HEY BUD LITTLE MANERS MUCH!!!!" I say widing my eyes and crossing my arms "What's your name and how do I not know if this isn't a scam??" I got mad at him for this.  "Well my name is Thomas Ridgwell and I am a Buisnessman" he looks at me as he says that. "Well okay since you know who I am, whats trade bud??" I was still covinced that it was a scam. "Well you see Mr. Larrson there's a Bank Teller that is willing to sell you a bigger property then this his name is Matt Hargreaves, and he is willing to give you 2 new properties he will buy if you give him this old work shop and buy you new equipment for you and your other guy." He grabed his briefcase and opened it and grabed a contract and a few thousand dollars. "What's with the money??" I asked him. "Oh he also wants you to have some money for you to get something on your own" he handed me the contract. "Deadline is Friday" He grabed his stuff and took the money "Hey thats tomorrow!! And what about the money??" I about yelled at him. "Oh yeah it is tomorrow or he's kicking you out and the money, he told me to keep it until you sign it." He started to walk out "Wait who do I give it to if I sign it??"
"I'll be over here tomorrow when your open and see if you have or haven't." He walked out right after he said that and left me their stairing at the contract. Well I don't know if I should sign it or not.

#Tom's POV#
I had just got back from Tord Larrson's work shop and have to go back to his shop again tomorrow to see if he signed it or not with Matt Hargreaves so he can see how his work shop is.

~Next day (im lazy)~

I woke up early morning and got ready and grabed my breifcase and hat. I walked outside and Matt Hargreaves was waiting there for me. "Good morning Mr. Hargreaves ready to go??"
We both walk to Tord's work shop. We walked in to see Paul Ter Vorde half asleep at the counter. "Excuse me?" I tap him on the shoulder. He woke up "Oh sorry. How may I help you?" He asked lazily. "I'm looking for Tord Larrson do you kno where he is?" I asked him and he pointed to a door on the other side of the room. "He's always in there" He said laying his head back down. Me and Mr. Hargreaves walked to the door and opened it and walked down to the basement and saw some legs under a big maschine and making a lot of noise. I tap his leg with my foot and he slides out covered in oil stains and other stuff. "Oh hello" He stands up and wipes his hands and face. "Were here for the contract" Mr. Hargreaves says trying not to get his suit dirty. "Oh yeah" Mr. Larrson says walking over to a desk and grabs the contract and hands it to me. I hand it to Mr. Hargreaves and I give Tord Larrson the money. "Now you can ge-" I got cut off by Tord "WAIT HOW THE HELL I'M I SUPOSE TO MOVE THIS THING?!?!" He screams at me and slams his hand on the big maschine. I look at Mr. Hargreaves "We will have to find a way for that but for now you just worry about getn' all your stuff."
"Yeah yeah now get out." He said taking the money and pointing to the door. Me and Mr. Hargreaves left.

#Paul's POV#
I've been up every night for atleast 3 hours and I have to wake up at 6 AM and go to sleep at 4 AM. Tord always gets mad at me for sleeping on the job though we only get a few people that come in. Today someone comes in and wakes me up from the best dream ever!!!!! IT WAS ABOUT THAT CUTE BUISNESSMAN PATRYK!!!!!!! And the guy had a friend with all purple suit on and they ask me if where To- errr Boss was and I told them where he was. They came out with a paper and gave me this little pile of money and said "Better pack up before Mr. Larrson yells at you" and they both walk off.  "MAIL!!!" A voice yells from outside and it was Edd and his cat, Ringo, "Coming" I say walking out from behind the counter. "Good afternoon Paul"
"Good afternoon Edd"
"Get much sleep?"
"Ah no neighbor keep me up about all night."
"Ah well you got a letter from" he looks at letter "from Patryk the bunissman." My heart litteraly jumped out of my chest. I grabbed the letter and sat it on the counter. "Any more?"
"Uhh yeah for Tord and one for both of you." He says handing me both letters. "Bye Paul!!!" Edd screams from his bike riding off with Ringo in his basket. As soon as Edd left Boss came up from the basement. "Hello Boss we go a few letters"
"Oh okay can I see them" he sticks out his hand and snaps his fingers. "Sure" I handed him the letter for him and me both. "Thank you." he walks back down in the basement. As soon as he walked out I rushed over to the counter and opened the letter. It said "Dear Paul, I heard about you moving to a different and I was wondering since it was by my place if you wanted to come over and just help me on a few papers and things I can't fix??

P.S If you do deside to come over then 10 AM on Sunday-Tuesday (The days I'm off work)"
I quickly wrote back,
"Dear Patryk, I would be glad to come over but is there a time I could come over between 6 AM-12 AM on Thursday. I work on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesday, Wedsdays, and Fridays. Boss makes me work because he works on somethings in the basement.
I quickly finnished the letter. "Hey Boss I'm gonna go get some food want any!?!?!" I holler from the top of his stairs. "UM YEAH GET ME SOMETHING SIMPLE NOTHING WITH FRUIT ON IT IF IT'S NOT FRUITS!!!!!!"
"OKAY" I slamed his door shut and grabbed my coat and mask thing. As I was walking I saw Edd go by "HEY EDD!!!" He turned his head "Oh I Paul!" He rode his bike over.
"Hey so I was wondering if you would like to make one more stop somewhere?"
"Oh yeah if you could watch Ringo for me while I go out of town in a while."
"Yeah sure."
"So who is it to??"
"Patryk's work place."
"Alright." He takes the letter and hands me Ringo.
"Now he's like anyother cat just don't scare him."
"Got it." He rode off as I said it and I ran to the resterant. When I got there I was out of breath and Ringo jut layed in my arm still awake. I put the leath that Edd gave me on Ringo and I let him down. We walk in the store and I order some food and walk back to the work shop. I walk in and Boss was already working on some stuff for someone in the shop.
"Ah Paul thank you for coming so quickly" He grabs his food quickly and run back down to the basement. I walk behind the counter and greet the person.
"Hello how may I help you?"
"Hi so my son broke his bike and I was wondering if you could fix it for us?"
"Oh yeah fixing bikes are easy" I said putting a smile on my face with Ringo on the counter asleep.

~20 minutes later~
"There ya go"
"Thank you some much kind sir"
She hands me $10 dollars
"No problem Ma'm"
She leaves with the bike.
I open my food and give Ringo a peice of meat and she eats it.

~Moving day (idk lol)~

#Tord POV#
I was down in the basement packing stuff while Paul was doing the same. I soon finish and start packing my boxes up the stairs and I see Paul talking with Patryk. I didn't mind because Paul had already done his. There was about 5 wagons outside and I saw Tom talking with one of the drivers.

~1 hour later~

#Tord POV#
We eventaly finished packing the boxes into the wagons. Tom and Matt walk over to me.
"Hello again Tord"
"Hello Tom" I wasn't looking at him.
"Glad you chose to do this,'' Matt said "A guy from Tombstone was willing to sell you nothing for this property"
"Yeah I guess I am"
"Well see you later Mr. Larsson" Tom starts walking away
"Call me Tord"
"Oh well see you later, Tord"
"See ya Tom"

(Oh and Matt got the property, Tom was good friends with Tord, Edd was happy of what he was doing, Tord was finally finishing his giant robot, and Paul and Patryk started dating)

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